Why all the dislike for GR?

The Hubster said:
GoP is the only *decent* (note, not good) song on the record... I could get carried away in my anti-GR attitude, but I won't. I've slammed it enough over the last god knows how long.

I hope they dont make the same lacklustre mistake on the next record. C'mon Opeth, do it good this time, like you have done before!

Hahaha, you only call it crap cause it wasn't a black metal album! Who fucking cares man? I wanted a black metal album to so yes, I was disappointed, but I got over it. Musically this is still an awesome peice of work. This album saw the return of some things that hadn't been done on at least the three Opeth albums before this one. I find a few things on this album to be better than on the other albums.
GR really is a fantastic album, but I think my main beef with it is that it pretty much ends for me with R/HF. HoW and IY are pretty fucking awesome songs, but I'm not interested in TGC at all, which I usually skip. It makes the album feel incredibly short to me i guess. It's kind of like how MAYH ends for me after The Amen Corner. I mean, DOTF is way overplayed and pretty short anyway, Credence is awesome but short, Karma isnt that great, and epilogue is fantastic but its a 4 minute instrumental so that doesnt really count either. So basically mayh is like 3 songs + some other stuff.
I consider MAYH completely flawless. There's not one second on the album i don't like. And it's the only time they really got album architecture and flow right. I don't listen to MAYH as seperate songs, it's always all the way through every time.
Epilogue- a 4 minute instrumental so it doesn't count.

Do you listen to any Other Bands? 4 minutes isn't exactly short.

Keeping on the subject, Ghost Reveries is ok. I prefer it to Damnation, and maybe Morningrise.
Okay, I'm new and you're probably all over this by now but maybe I should put my two cents' worth in anyway. I don't think GR is a bad album, in fact I think it's good. In saying that, I really can't stand it because it's just not Opeth to me. Lyrically it was maybe too cut and thrust and less ethereal and gloomy. Soundwise, I think it's much the same thing. It may be the keyboards, which I think should only be in the mellow songs. It's far too straightforward and maybe a little too hardcore and maybe a little closer to plain ol' heavy metal rather than the black/death/doom style that's so poignant and distinctive of Opeth. *cringe*

Don't kill me.
Ghost revs has something in the atmosphere department that has been absent since Orchid.

it is a new direction for sure, but just like I didn't like Morningrise until I heard BWP, I think we could appreciate this new sound better if they give it in a more cohesive context like MAYH was cohesive.

i'm bored, 4-3AM shift sux.
i'm gonna await the sunrise now.