Why All The Hate?

I think it is too ultimate. by the way, i think strato is worth checking out, but be warned that their newer stuff (from destiny on i would say) is sort of radio friendly popish rock stuff, but still metal. I don't know, if you can take some cheese than go for it and give 'em a listen. At least try them out.
Snowmaker said:
I haven't really checked out Stratovarious yet. Should I?

I don't think they are anything special. So I would say no, at least if you are planning on buying an album. I would just go ahead and download a couple songs to see what you think. Personally I'll never buy any of their albums.
The vocals are HORRIFIC.
Timo Kotipelto's vocals are awesome, and i think he's a great stageman (saw him at wacken last year with his own band, kotipelto... which romeo played on kotipelto's album by the way...).
I bought Infinity a few months ago and I HATED IT! there was absolutly NOTHING i liked about it. Timo Tollki is the sloppiest guitarist ever. The singer is the type i don't really like (Matos, Kotipelto type...) but i repect his skill. The drummer is way to loud and simple. All 16th notes bass drum with a hit on the snare every beat (for what I can remember). The bass is boring chugga-chuggah 1-&-2-&-3-&-4-& on the root. Jens Johannson is an amazing keyboard player (so diverse) but the only reason i think he is in Strato is that they are popular (for power-metal) and he can get a few extra $$$. And you barely hear Jens in the recording apart from the hopeless duals with Tollki (Tollki's hopeless - not Jens) and on intros on songs with a harpsicord. Its a shame that a musician with so much talent and diversity like Jens playes with Strato when he has done so many better things (Holdsworth, Malmsteen, Prog, Jazz, Solo....)

Oh well, thats my opinion and mine alone.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
Jens Johannson is an amazing keyboard player (so diverse) but the only reason i think he is in Strato is that they are popular (for power-metal) and he can get a few extra $$$. And you barely hear Jens in the recording apart from the hopeless duals with Tollki (Tollki's hopeless - not Jens) and on intros on songs with a harpsicord. Its a shame that a musician with so much talent and diversity like Jens playes with Strato when he has done so many better things (Holdsworth, Malmsteen, Prog, Jazz, Solo....)

Ugh, leave it to prog fans to have this kind of mentality. Sorry to break it to you, but Jens is in Stratovarius because he *enjoys* the music. What a concept that a talented musician can enjoy playing both complex fusion (like his solo CDs) then turn around and play simpler melodic power metal :rolleyes:. Same deal with Anders and Hammerfall. Im suprised some of you haven't jumped down Portnoy and Gilbert's throats for doing a Beatles tribute, or are the Beatles ok because they're "legendary" or something? :p
Yngvai X said:
Im suprised some of you haven't jumped down Portnoy and Gilbert's throats for doing a Beatles tribute, or are the Beatles ok because they're "legendary" or something? :p

Dude, of course they are legendary. They've inspired every type of music that exists today. Even Prog.
I did say Malmsteen he is *close* to power-metal. A similar bracket. I think he's better than strato even though i'm not his biggest fan (as you may know).

I might be unfair to say that comment i said, but I seriously think Jens is above that mould.
But then again, I've allways been more of a proggie than a power metaler.
Dream Symphony said:
Dude, of course they are legendary. They've inspired every type of music that exists today. Even Prog.

I know how far their influence reaches, Im just saying how its hypocritical to bash one virtuosic musician like Jens for playing in a simpler powermetal band while its ok for Portnoy and Gilbert to play even simpler Beatles songs.
But Portnoy and Gilbert's Beatle material is just a small project which is cool and interesting to hear. But with Jens its a full time band. A top pirority. I'm not bashing Jens or anything like it, i just would like it more if he focused his talents in othere diections.

This just shows that EVERYTHING is a matter of taste.
I love Dream Theater. I also love Symphony X. In my mind there aren't any "best" bands, there are only greats. I don't see why you have to limit youself to just one. Same thing applies to musicians.

Yngvai X said:
Sheesh, it was only their first album, you expect a band to have a completely developed style from the start? Wait for "Underworld" to come out this September before you completely pass them off.
I don't expect a completely developed style from the start, but there's a difference between an undeveloped style and being a straight up clone of another band. It's as if Symphony X was the only band they ever listened to.

Even my band's style is more original than theirs and we've only been together for 6 months!
Originality isn't the only issue, nor is it the most important. Originality doesn't necessarily result in quality (especially when it's originality for originality's sake, which is usually just pathetic, and more often than not actually for the sake of getting attention by being weird).
Well, well, well, first we all bash Stratovarius for being boring and playing too long etc, and now we (you) make a complete 180 degree turn and say "I've never been against them bla bla". OK...

Next, why don't you all trash Jordan Rudess for playing in a band like Dream Theater? That guy is a million miles away from Petrucci & Co, I mean, when you compare a solo from one of the original guys and then one from Jordan, you hear there is a huge gap between their level of skill. Jordan is on a level the other's will never reach (unless they get into some SERIOUS practice). Just wondering.

By the way, TOTO rocks!!!
I would have to dissagree with you there, Macy. John P. is a fucking amazing player! Listen to solo's like Home, Beyond this life, Erotomania and Under a Glass moon! John M. is one of the best bass players out there as well.
I wasn't saying that you were saying that Petrucci wasn't an amazing guitarist, just that Petrucci IS up to Rudess's level:)
Kate Bush Rules! said:
I don't expect a completely developed style from the start, but there's a difference between an undeveloped style and being a straight up clone of another band. It's as if Symphony X was the only band they ever listened to.

Even my band's style is more original than theirs and we've only been together for 6 months!

I hate to break this to you but Adagio's first album is more original than Symphony X's debut. Symphony X got a lot of criticism for being a clone band too.

The similarities between Symphony X and Adagio are actually minimal. Adagio is darker/heavier and more influenced by classical music. Stephan Forte's pharsing is nothing like Michael Romeo's. The instrumentation is totally different too. Really, does "Order of Enlil", "Seven Lands of Sin", or "Immigrant Song" sound *anything* like Symphony X? Nah.

I think everyone bases their opinion on the first five seconds of the "Inner Road" intro. "Look, they're copying Smoke and Mirrors!" Which is actually not true if you listen closely enough.