Why are Re-Animator trying to hide which part of England they're from?

Lighten up, Profanity. A couple of people think Re-Animator are from Sheffield. Nobody seems to know for sure, and since you've obviously made an effort to find out and failed, it's a fair bet that no-one else on the forums is going to dedicate much effort to finding out for you. Why does it matter?
Exactly! Profanity, you've created thread after thread asking 'what area makes the best metal', what 'street makes the best metal', or whatever.

Why do you care so much, and what makes you think anyone here cares?? Why must you keep listing loads of bands that no one's heard of just to try and boost your reputation as some all-knowledgeable metal brain. You probably just got them of the internet anyway, and if you didn't it's even more sad that you actually bother to work all these pointless lists out.

Whatever reason you have for constantly doing this, please stop. No one cares.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is how good the music is, not whereabouts it originates from!
Profånity said:
I've looked on all of the bios to do with them and i've tried asking on other message boards, i've asked people in shops, i've read all the Thrash Metal guides and i've asked all my Metal friends and none of them know where they're from, I would really like to know where they're from but working that out is going to be an impossible task.
Maybe they don't want to be stalked by fanboys such as yourself.
its an autistic thing.it makes people feel more secure to know at least the country the band is from. then they can be cataloged geographically as well as genre wise for future reference. myself i always always remember where a band is from, but i wont lose any sleep over not knowing where their from. for example i don't know which town hecate enthroned are from , but i don't feel that bothered to find out.