I can say they aren't samey because there *have* been stylistic shifts and there *is* variation in structure. Firstly, sure they don't change genres every album or something, but if the changes between Morningrise and MAYH or Deliverance/Damnation and Ghost Reveries aren't enough to say a band isn't "samey", then I'm afraid nearly every metal band you listen to is probably samey as fuck...I mean what do they have to do to not be samey, go from trip-hop to death metal to post-rock all in a few albums or something? Secondly, for the structure, the argument that poorly structured songs have no structure is just dumb; sure there's very little verse-chorus stuff going on and some of the parts are disjointed, but there's great differences from song to song if you actually pay attention to it.
I really can't be bothered to listen to Opeth enough to become familiar enough with the songs to tell the difference between them. Also, I'm referring to Still Life/MAYH/GR/BP/the new one. I've listened to all of those at least twice except Ghost Reveries because it was just shit, and I can't see any stylistic difference, just a difference in mood created by the different productions. I think SL/MAYH/BP are all solid albums worth putting on once in a while, but there's no stylistic difference.
Also, I wasn't just saying that the songs are poorly structured, I was saying they don't use any conventional structure or even anything close to such.
Opeth is all rather samey. They are the Deathspell Omega of fake prog metal. But BWP is sometimes pretty good for nostalgic reasons.
See, attention span is everything and mine is waning.
I'm sorry. I clearly meant "I love them and they're my favorite ever" or "They are Satan"