Why do all bands turn to sh**?

My attention span is not the same as it used to be.:erk:
If you're gonna make an 8-16 song at least make it compelling via some nice vocal harmonies, or I duunno, cool beats.
Opeth and Deathspell Omega are two of the least samey metal bands I've ever heard, wtf? Go with some better criticisms if you wanna bash 'em. "Gay" or "disjointed" has worked well thus far.
Opeth and Deathspell Omega are two of the least samey metal bands I've ever heard, wtf? Go with some better criticisms if you wanna bash 'em. "Gay" or "disjointed" has worked well thus far.

How can you say Opeth aren't "samey?" There really are no major stylistic shifts between albums and the structure of every song is more or less the same in that there is no real structure, just a flow of different parts occasionally returning to various parts, but no identifiable verses and rarely choruses. Essentially, they vomit forth acoustic noodly bits and oddly structured riffs for an hour.
Personally, I like stuff that's drawn out 8-15 minutes...

Some bands manage to pull those off and keep all their fans. The Melvins are pretty well loved and constantly evolving... and Bolt Thrower have been playing the same style of apocalyptic warfare grooving death metal for years.
That's what bugs me. I'm looking for unique music; not bands that release the same album all the time. That's not consistency-it's stagnation. If you're gonna make several albums, at least make them somewhat stylistically different from one another.

For instance, if you like Summoning, just get one album; they're all pretty much the same anyhow.
There's a difference between gradually progressing as a band yet remaining within their style and completely changing their sound for "experimentation" purposes.

Summoning adhered to, yet expanded upon their sound up until, at least, Stronghold.
Hence why you don't know what you're talking about. I quite frankly don't think you listen to the bands you talk shit about either.
^That was exceptionally valid point. :P

I think to evolve, is to experiment, but to experiment it means to not throw stupid incoherent sounding shit together and calling it "experimental". I can't fucking stand bands like that.
ENSLAVED, faggot.

Now you're correct.

Finding success means you're not sad anymore, and when you're not sad or angry you won't find an inspiration.

The music of Porcupine Tree is often described as melancholic by many people, even though it is not necessarily linked to Steven Wilson's personality. He states music is a way for him to channel all his negative feelings[52], and "an exorcism of those elements within"[53], finding it "easier to write songs about the negative side of the world than it is about the happy side of the world."

There are bands who still keep up, its like a challenge for them, they still haven't ran out of ideas.
I didn't say I don't like em. Blackwater Park is quite decent.
But I can listen to Camel instead whose music has better pacing, atmosphere and is not as artificially drawn out as Opeth.
Unfortunately i have gave the album enough listens, i can't see how you prefer it to Ocean Machine, Terria or Accelerated Evolution which are all masterpieces imo.

Well of course Accelerated Evolution is THE Townsend masterpiece. I haven't given Ocean Machine enough listens, but Terria seemed to wander a little to much from what I remember.