Why do all bands turn to sh**?

Synchestra is bullshit. It's silly, incoherent and it lacks the atmosphere of Terria, Ki, Ocean Machine, and hell, even Physicist. And those goddamn synth sounds are just about awkward enough to make even Jordan Rudess squirm. It's not horrible, it's just that Devin made at least half a dozen albums that are superior in just about every way.
How can you say Opeth aren't "samey?" There really are no major stylistic shifts between albums and the structure of every song is more or less the same in that there is no real structure, just a flow of different parts occasionally returning to various parts, but no identifiable verses and rarely choruses. Essentially, they vomit forth acoustic noodly bits and oddly structured riffs for an hour.

I can say they aren't samey because there *have* been stylistic shifts and there *is* variation in structure. Firstly, sure they don't change genres every album or something, but if the changes between Morningrise and MAYH or Deliverance/Damnation and Ghost Reveries aren't enough to say a band isn't "samey", then I'm afraid nearly every metal band you listen to is probably samey as fuck...I mean what do they have to do to not be samey, go from trip-hop to death metal to post-rock all in a few albums or something? Secondly, for the structure, the argument that poorly structured songs have no structure is just dumb; sure there's very little verse-chorus stuff going on and some of the parts are disjointed, but there's great differences from song to song if you actually pay attention to it.
Bands don't turn to shit, they simply change with time. Most bands / artists do, unless we're talking about bands like AC/DC or Motorhead.

Fact is sometimes we don't like the way they change their sound. Enslaved is a great example of a band which changed its way of making music and kept releasing good albums (at least for a good part of metalheads). Even though you'll find people who dislike their current sound.

It's just natural that bands try different things.
Of course they're not the "same". They're similar in format/style.

In the same way Master of Puppets, for instance, is a retread of RTL with less punch.

Kill em All-punky, aggressive thrash
RTL- a much more progressive Kill em All.
MOP- RTL with less punch
AJFA-wow, where did that come from?
Self-titled-catchy hard rock.

And on it goes.
Yeah, but you said that "you might as well just buy one Summoning album since they all follow the same formula." Do you believe the same thing about Metallica or are you going to retread your ground like you always do?
I'm only comparing them in terms of the album's structure.

Metallica's album from RTL onwards(with slight variations in terms of number/sequence of tracks depending on the album. But Kill em All already has some of these in less developed form.

1st track: Fast thrasher
2 track: multi-suite epic
3. slow doomy monster
4 token ballad
6. varies
fast thrasher

Obviously, it's not acute science, just a rough approximation.
Yeah, but you said that "you might as well just buy one Summoning album since they all follow the same formula." Do you believe the same thing about Metallica or are you going to retread your ground like you always do?

No, but I think Metallica's music has much better pacing anyway. But that's just up to taste, and nothing more.
OK, still don't understand the point you're trying to make.

Several albums by Summoning sound different enough to be worth buying, end of story.

*expects lame cliche response along the lines of "well, we both have different opinions and that's OK," yeah, no shit stfu
Not only is every Summoning album the same, every Summoning song is the damn same. Summoning is the very definition of 'formulaic'.

Yeah sure, each song has a different gimmicky synth sound, different notes, and their albums tend to be vastly differently produced. But as far as I've heard, they use the exact same structure over and over again.
They don't even employ the same guitar techniques on every album, so what the fuck are you talking about? The only truly unifying element in most of their work is the tempo, and even that's not universally true. But that's like saying that Slayer is formulaic because they're all fast (which they're not, but the point stands).
Nah, I'm pretty sure it's just your defense mechanism against having no backup for your points whatsoever.

If you replied before I edited my post, I didn't see it. I don't see how it really makes a difference either way, though.
The Metallica hate too, they're great (if a bunch of asshats).

I'd say bands turn to shit for all of the above reasons.

A) Run out of creative juice, unsuccessfully recycle old material
B) Go "experimental" but it sucks
C) Too much success/drugs = no more ideas