Why are some people saying extreme Metal and ballet fit?

is there a video?

what are they doing? hardcore dancing? thatd be kinda funny. gay dancing in tights
What the dickens

Opeth’s Mikael Akerfeldt said via e-mail that he’d be “delighted” to do the same, enthusing, “I was already impressed with ballet dancers before and now they’re dancing to my song? Hell yes, I think it’s super duper cool!”

Someone call Manowar. There's some false metal happenins' a transpirin' and they need to be dealt with swiftly. :lol:
Arsis has a video with it, it just aired on headbangers ball 2 last night. didnt get to see it yet. i want to though. i think its okay. i'm not obsessing, but i'm not hating on it.
lol they should try some Nightwish or Dragonforce, the dancing doesn't fit with the growls... I am interested in seeing the "Deliverance" performance though :kickass:


Plus, I think that whole group of fans would be way more into it.
I get the feeling these DM bands are just saying yes because they're like "holy shit, attractive, non-goth poser face girls want in on our music?? Let's do it!"