Why didn't anyone warn me?

@brutalizer :lol:

@finalvision: have you ever tried fried werefrogs? they're tasty! believe me! c'mon, take a thigh... want some ketchup? *crunch* delicious, huh?! :loco:

@alfred: thanks rusty you're sooo nice :)

/me gone mad :goggly:
@Thanatos: Probably because shoes are subtly but deadly addictive themselves. After a while you get so terribly addicted that you just can't go anywhere without them :)

@Rei Toei: You're welcome, miss. What about ordering three cheeseburgers with fried potatoes and one more coke from the waiter who just passed behind yr shoulders, pleeease? :grin:

Alfred (slowly degenerating into a hungry werehook...)
@Alfred: This forum really sucks, I mean, a clothes hook as a forum member? how on earth do you manage to type your messages? come on, get a life, or at least a jacket to hang on to you :lol:

@Rei Toei: Werefrogs taste like werechicken.
Originally posted by Final_Vision
and werechick tastes like werewale, which tastes like sushi..........

/me shouting towards the kitchen

i told ya not to hire the addams' cook! IT's not a gourmet! :bah:

sorry guys... may i suggest you an ice scream? :grin:
Originally posted by Thanatos
@Alfred: This forum really sucks, I mean, a clothes hook as a forum member?
Oh, gosh, no, it never crossed my mind, I swear: it was meant like "a clothes-hook as a forum clothes-hook" :)
how on earth do you manage to type your messages?
Oh, you really don't imagine how resourceful clothes-hook can be... our national anthem is the McGyver jingle :grin:
come on, get a life, or at least a jacket to hang on to you :lol:
Yes, I see your point, sure, but... don't know how to explain it, all these one-night jackets... yep, quite funny and pleasant, sure, but after some time it more or less become overly boring and tasteless, so you start looking for something more than a young and shallow jacket. A dirt-stained shovel friend of mine told me about dt and I, searching for something really worthwhile, came here. I'm a clothes-hook, but I know how to live :grin: (er... more or less :grin:)
Werefrogs taste like werechicken.
My large weregoldfish tells me s/he basically agrees with you, but werefrogs are slightly more spicy, and s/he likes them more :)

which tastes like sushi..........
... which tastes like werefrog :grin: :grin:

Alfred (charming and deductive)
addicted....what??? I'm not addicted.....ehmmmm well may be...what the fuck are you looking at!!!!!! :lol:

but I never liked forums, even I tried with some and seemed so dull boring and never cared to came back after one week!!
and here it's five months and still I come everynight....but no, it's not the ppl, I guess it's the colors of the site... ;)
@rei toei: i was told you can't drink alcohol, so i was happy to get you out of an unpleasant situations. ;)

@alfred: we completely overlooked wereweres, those awful were-beasts that every night shapeshift to a shapeshifter, then in the morning shapeshift back to normal ppl. they taste like chicken, too. but it's an acquired taste. :)

Hm i leave for a night, and what do i come back to find....?

Anyway, i just have to say one thing about all this madness.

McGyver rulez!!! :D :D :D
funny u should say Mcgyver, i was looking through my friends tab collection and he had the mcgyver theme in it, WHAT THE HELL IS THE MCGYVER THEME! And damn was he smooth, always foiling the bad guys.......

As for wereweres, didnt Mcgyver fight one? :confused: :spin:
Originally posted by NicktheClayman
I remeber McGyver made a nuclear bomb from cow shit, and a tooth pick, that was a crazy episode. :yow: :yow:
What's crazy about that?
Just imagine the smell :lol: