why doesnt henkka have a solo too?? everyone in there has!


Dec 23, 2009
why the hell everyone on the band plays a solo and hennka dont? on chaos ridden days every single one played a solo... alexi roope janne jaska... and henkka didnt! ahgrr he could do some drum and bass solo with jaska dont you guys think? im sure henkka would do it with no problem!
Because he doesn't feel a bass solo from him has anything to add to the show or songs. He's said it in couple interviews. He argues that if he were a bassist like Billy Sheehan or the likes then that it may have a point, but he doesn't think that a bass solo from him is worth the trouble.
:lol: I'm seeing the scene right now : every guy having a big ego playing each of them their solo in a concert. just kidding...
i'm not fond of solos actually, but it would be nice to hear some different bass lines in their songs. but this instrument is too important that it'd change completely their sound.
Bass solos are pretty damn boring most of the time, so I'm happy that he chooses not to do those. Porra has some nice ones though.
Henkka's demure attitude about his bass playing speaks well for him on a personal level, but really all he had to say was, "Bass solo? Yawn. Not interested." I witnessed one killer bass solo in all my concert-attending days (don't ask) and it was the bass player for Third Eye Blind (if you can believe it). Dude kept hitting a note that triggered some involuntary reflex to bend. I was standing by his bass stacks in the front row during his solo. He would hit that note and all of the sudden I would be bent in half looking at my shoes, and completely confused at to how in the Hell I got there... o_O

My opinion on the matter would appear to be more broad than Henkka's: I would go so far as to say solos not presented in the context of a song are mostly tedious, unnecessary filler and I'm pretty much entirely against them. Seriously, I just don't see the point. I get impatient and fidgety at shows when bands use them. Somebody takes a solo and within 10-20 seconds, I'm mentally making grocery lists, thinking about sex, things to do for the week, finally noticing how bad the dudes next to me smell and then feeling very sorry for no longer being interested in thinking about sex.... It's the buzzkill that just keeps on giving, really. And then when bands have more than one solo in a set? Oh, geez. I'll be at the bar....

I can understand their use when there are technical difficulties with a show and the act needs to do something to keep the audience preoccupied while the crew troubleshoots the problem, or when there's a break in set to change equipment. In those instances, it's better to do something than nothing at all, but it still kills the momentum of a show for me.
... thinking about sex, things to do for the week, finally noticing how bad the dudes next to me smell and then feeling very sorry for no longer being interested in thinking about sex...

I'm pretty sure that happens to everyone, at some point, at all concerts. D=

I think bass solos are more entertaining than drum solos. Either way, I like it when they do solos, but I think they should only last for less than a minute. Generally right before a song, or group of songs, start. Henkka does some pretty cool shit with the bass in the middle of songs, but coming up with a solo is something completely different, too. And you can't force an interest. But I'd like to see him do one once, too.
well i think both make sense to me but doesnt mean i agree with them. i see henkka as a good bassist
I'm pretty sure that happens to everyone, at some point, at all concerts. D=

I think bass solos are more entertaining than drum solos. Either way, I like it when they do solos, but I think they should only last for less than a minute.
I couldn´t tell if I like a bass solo more than a drum solo, it all depends wether it´s well made or not. Since I haven´t seen any bass solos live till now, take these drum solos as examples:
Good: Drum solo by Anders Johansson a few years ago, lasted three or four minutes and was pretty nice and entertaining cause he also put in well-known songs like painkiller etc.
Bad: Edguy a few days ago, their drummer thought it would be somewhat cool to have a really booooooooooring drum solo lasting more than five minutes, after two I wished him to hell, fuck his maybe-not-so-bad-technique but I nearly fell asleep.
So it´s the same with bass solos: COULD be interesting if well made (I could well imagine a bass solo with lines like the Warmen-Dawn-one for example), but without nice ideas it would bore audience to death. So, if Henkka comes up with some nice ideas for a solo, OK go! But as long as he himself thinks it´s a bad idea, he´s right to leave the solos to the rest of them.
So it´s the same with bass solos: COULD be interesting if well made (I could well imagine a bass solo with lines like the Warmen-Dawn-one for example), but without nice ideas it would bore audience to death. So, if Henkka comes up with some nice ideas for a solo, OK go! But as long as he himself thinks it´s a bad idea, he´s right to leave the solos to the rest of them.

Best bass solo EVER:
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Hmm I'm still searching for that vid with this interview on why he explains the fact for him not doing any solos but I can't find it. Will look further tomorrow or if any of you guys can find it for me thanks.