Why I think metal is genius...


Super Normie
Aug 22, 2007
If this is a stupid fucking thread then that's cool, make fun of me for it.

But I spent most of my life listening to anything but metal. It's not that I ever disliked it, I just never liked it. Until I eventually got into it... and I think it's just such a ridiculously excellent genre. Probably the greatest genre ever. It really irks me how metal doesn't get respect from music snobs. There seems to be the general inclination for people to consider playing soft as virtuous and playing heavy as low-brow. This is exemplified by the whole MTV Unplugged thing, which blatantly implies that if you can't play soft then you aren't as great of a musician. Which I think would be fine... if the reverse was represented to. But nobody ever tells James Taylor or Bright Eyes that they have to prove their skills by playing a metal show.

But that's not really my point. Maybe I think too much about this stuff, but I think metal's style is freaking genius, and in a lot of ways it's a hell of a lot more impressive than any other genre.

Firstly, there's the vocal dichotomy. No matter what non-fans think of death vocals, it's harder to sing like that than to sing in the normal pop-rock style. It must take vocal chords of pure steel to go out every night and sing like that. More importantly, no other genre has half the dichotomy of your average death metal band. There's probably not a single non-metla band that has ever gone that far of a range from the death growl scream to the angelic choir-esque singing, and that's a commonplace attribute of modern metal bands.

Secondly there is the PRECISION of metal. I adore the earthy swagger of rock, punk, and pop, but metal is completely beyond that. It's just tighter. The way that metal bands will do full stops at random moments in songs is fucking brilliant. It shows such control over the music that other bands can't reach. It's so powerful. Most music is based on maintaining a specific groove throughout, while metal has the balls and ability to start and stop and move. Metal also has so many more segments in the music. A David Bowie song will have on riff and chords for the chorus, whereas a metal song will have like 8 riffs and a few solos. It's a different mentallity.

Thirdly, of course, there is the technical ability issue. It's cool that people prefer Jimmy Page, Robert Johnson, and whoever, I love those guys too. But those guys would never be able to play the stuff that metal guitarists play. The music is so advanced. And that brings me to another aspect of metal that amazes me, it's constantly evolving. It keeps getting more advanced and more powerful, the metal bands from twenty years ago end up seeming archaic (but still great) compared to the new stuff that's going on. Lots of people think metal is a subgenre of rock... but I think those are people who don't understand metal and think Black Sabbath is the most advanced metal band.
How about you come up with some reasoning that doesn't involve how hard it is to play... that doesn't interest me at all :/
I'm not saying other genres suck, guys. I'm just saying that metal is unique.

How about you come up with some reasoning that doesn't involve how hard it is to play... that doesn't interest me at all :/

Nope, not about how hard it is to play. It's about how awesome it is. It's subjective, duh! There's no point in me arguing "metal is sweet" because that's obvious to anyone who likes metal and bunk to anyone who doesn't, it's pointless. I am NOT saying metal is the best genre, it's not even my favorite. I'm just saying it's really powerful, well-developed style and there's truly no other genre that shares its attributes. I'm not sure ya'll see it like I do since you've been listening to metal so much longer than me, so you may not notice the differences any more.

Well, maybe the playing is advanced. That is not to say that there aren't metal bands that put out more advanced musical offerings, and as a whole metal probably has more advanced songwriting than many other genres, but then there are other genres that are commonly more advanced.

Really? Such as? I listen to jazz, blues, virtuosos, world... Sure there's probably an endless supply of middle-of-the-road metal bands that don't have as much command over the music, but the bands that really define metal go folds beyond everything else I've ever heard. The stylistic perspective it comes from just knocks me off my socks, makes it all seem much more impressive.
they should. this world would be a better place if they did.

No way.

Not that Bright Eyes is amazing at music, but I just don't want to see his poetry become wasted upon the mindless metal scene :D It fits much better with the mindless hipster crowd.
If this is a stupid fucking thread then that's cool, make fun of me for it.

But I spent most of my life listening to anything but metal. It's not that I ever disliked it, I just never liked it. Until I eventually got into it... and I think it's just such a ridiculously excellent genre. Probably the greatest genre ever. It really irks me how metal doesn't get respect from music snobs. There seems to be the general inclination for people to consider playing soft as virtuous and playing heavy as low-brow. This is exemplified by the whole MTV Unplugged thing, which blatantly implies that if you can't play soft then you aren't as great of a musician. Which I think would be fine... if the reverse was represented to. But nobody ever tells James Taylor or Bright Eyes that they have to prove their skills by playing a metal show.

But that's not really my point. Maybe I think too much about this stuff, but I think metal's style is freaking genius, and in a lot of ways it's a hell of a lot more impressive than any other genre.

Firstly, there's the vocal dichotomy. No matter what non-fans think of death vocals, it's harder to sing like that than to sing in the normal pop-rock style. It must take vocal chords of pure steel to go out every night and sing like that. More importantly, no other genre has half the dichotomy of your average death metal band. There's probably not a single non-metla band that has ever gone that far of a range from the death growl scream to the angelic choir-esque singing, and that's a commonplace attribute of modern metal bands.

Secondly there is the PRECISION of metal. I adore the earthy swagger of rock, punk, and pop, but metal is completely beyond that. It's just tighter. The way that metal bands will do full stops at random moments in songs is fucking brilliant. It shows such control over the music that other bands can't reach. It's so powerful. Most music is based on maintaining a specific groove throughout, while metal has the balls and ability to start and stop and move. Metal also has so many more segments in the music. A David Bowie song will have on riff and chords for the chorus, whereas a metal song will have like 8 riffs and a few solos. It's a different mentallity.

Thirdly, of course, there is the technical ability issue. It's cool that people prefer Jimmy Page, Robert Johnson, and whoever, I love those guys too. But those guys would never be able to play the stuff that metal guitarists play. The music is so advanced. And that brings me to another aspect of metal that amazes me, it's constantly evolving. It keeps getting more advanced and more powerful, the metal bands from twenty years ago end up seeming archaic (but still great) compared to the new stuff that's going on. Lots of people think metal is a subgenre of rock... but I think those are people who don't understand metal and think Black Sabbath is the most advanced metal band.

Listen to Hellhammer(band)...
If this is a stupid fucking thread then that's cool, make fun of me for it.

But I spent most of my life listening to anything but metal. It's not that I ever disliked it, I just never liked it. Until I eventually got into it... and I think it's just such a ridiculously excellent genre. Probably the greatest genre ever. It really irks me how metal doesn't get respect from music snobs. There seems to be the general inclination for people to consider playing soft as virtuous and playing heavy as low-brow. This is exemplified by the whole MTV Unplugged thing, which blatantly implies that if you can't play soft then you aren't as great of a musician. Which I think would be fine... if the reverse was represented to. But nobody ever tells James Taylor or Bright Eyes that they have to prove their skills by playing a metal show.

But that's not really my point. Maybe I think too much about this stuff, but I think metal's style is freaking genius, and in a lot of ways it's a hell of a lot more impressive than any other genre.

Firstly, there's the vocal dichotomy. No matter what non-fans think of death vocals, it's harder to sing like that than to sing in the normal pop-rock style. It must take vocal chords of pure steel to go out every night and sing like that. More importantly, no other genre has half the dichotomy of your average death metal band. There's probably not a single non-metla band that has ever gone that far of a range from the death growl scream to the angelic choir-esque singing, and that's a commonplace attribute of modern metal bands.

Secondly there is the PRECISION of metal. I adore the earthy swagger of rock, punk, and pop, but metal is completely beyond that. It's just tighter. The way that metal bands will do full stops at random moments in songs is fucking brilliant. It shows such control over the music that other bands can't reach. It's so powerful. Most music is based on maintaining a specific groove throughout, while metal has the balls and ability to start and stop and move. Metal also has so many more segments in the music. A David Bowie song will have on riff and chords for the chorus, whereas a metal song will have like 8 riffs and a few solos. It's a different mentallity.

Thirdly, of course, there is the technical ability issue. It's cool that people prefer Jimmy Page, Robert Johnson, and whoever, I love those guys too. But those guys would never be able to play the stuff that metal guitarists play. The music is so advanced. And that brings me to another aspect of metal that amazes me, it's constantly evolving. It keeps getting more advanced and more powerful, the metal bands from twenty years ago end up seeming archaic (but still great) compared to the new stuff that's going on. Lots of people think metal is a subgenre of rock... but I think those are people who don't understand metal and think Black Sabbath is the most advanced metal band.

James Taylor kicks ass
What? yeah they are!

Haha, don't get me wrong I like Bright Eyes but I really don't listen to Conor because he is a musical genius it is more so due to the amazing expressive ability he has in his voice and because I like his lyrics :)
Firstly, there's the vocal dichotomy. No matter what non-fans think of death vocals, it's harder to sing like that than to sing in the normal pop-rock style. It must take vocal chords of pure steel to go out every night and sing like that. More importantly, no other genre has half the dichotomy of your average death metal band. There's probably not a single non-metla band that has ever gone that far of a range from the death growl scream to the angelic choir-esque singing, and that's a commonplace attribute of modern metal bands.

Death Vocals don't take vocal chords of steel, it's just a technique you have to learn on top of regular singing. It takes a bit more practice to be a death metal singer than a pop singer, but it's not that huge a step up. I'd say there are other more talented singing methods such as Skat and Opera(not operatic vocals, but true opera singing).
i cant stand how little respect it gets, people are like omg blink 182 drummer is one of the best in the world, while a lot of metal drummers could kick his ass, lets see him break 300 bpm

Let's see him break 200. He's not bad and he's excellent for his style, but he's not worth fellating (no homo) like some people do.

My views on the subject: Fuck 'em. If you don't like metal, cool, yay for you. You don't know what you're missing.
Death Vocals don't take vocal chords of steel, it's just a technique you have to learn on top of regular singing. It takes a bit more practice to be a death metal singer than a pop singer, but it's not that huge a step up. I'd say there are other more talented singing methods such as Skat and Opera(not operatic vocals, but true opera singing).

It takes a certain level of natural born talent to be able to do harsh vocals well and for long periods of time.
If thats the case then you're doing harsh vocals wrong. I used to lose my voice doing harsh vocals. But since learning the proper method I can do it for hours without feeling any pain in my vocal chords. It also makes much more brutal sounds than just actual screaming.
If thats the case then you're doing harsh vocals wrong. I used to lose my voice doing harsh vocals. But since learning the proper method I can do it for hours without feeling any pain in my vocal chords. It also makes much more brutal sounds than just actual screaming.
I might not be doing them exactly perfect but still, not any dude can scream no matter how good his teaching is.
cigarettes and growling hurts like a bitch
Truth. I find that I do better when I smoke weed though, it loosens up my vocal cords whereas cigarettes contract them.