Why is all good music like Bodom from the North?

XxScandinavianMedalxX said:
Sweden is very nice, but if Finland is as well. But keep in mind, living in Finland is not very easy nor any scandinavian country. It is very expenisve with it's tax.

True :erk:
Lithium said:
Luxx0rs...I come from the Netherlands....no great metal from here....I say its rather ghey. Ima make a band and change that :D

I just bought a Swedish flag to hang above my bed, In Flames tribute :lol:

i have a WWII japanese rising sun flag over my bed.... its fucking gr1m...
Rocksane said:
In Quebec, it's fucking cold in winter and cold in fall, that's why we have good metal bands such as Quo Vadis and Blinded By Faith...

It's so true that music comes along with our feelings that we have with each seasons.
In winter, I'm addicted to death melodic metal and in summer, old rock and heavy metal.

This seems to be a common thing among metalheads. Am I the only person here that listens to the same types of metal all year round?