Why isn't my guitar sitting properly?


New Metal Member
Mar 24, 2011
Bergen County, NJ
Hey guys, another little intro for you guys. I'm having trouble getting the guitars to sit right. i'm looking for thick, and punchy, with a side of clarity. Im just getting these weak thin tones. can you please help?

btw, i know the bass sounds like shit, so i know that part of the guitars not sitting properly can be because of the bass. but im getting Uad Nigel by next week, so bass tones wont be a problem. I think the drums are decent, i just really want to figure out whats wrong with these guitars. I really need some good input here, anything will do. EQ, tips, Plug-in chains, anything.

thanks dudes!


Seven Thousand Miles for What (Intro Cover) -Of Mice & Men :kickass:
Um... well what amp are you using for guitars? To me it doesn't sound like a real guitar amp... actually it sounds like my old BOSS GT pedal used to sound.

A good guitar sound should look somewhat FLAT in a spectrum analyzer... it's a good starting point if you don't know what you're looking for.
Well honestly I do because there's a lot of inexperienced engineers who use pod farm and make it sound professional. I'm an inexperienced engineer myself, but I feel like I should know how to get a good tone out of pod farm, but I can't. And it's driving me insane. :bah:

Almost all pod tones suck, unless you REALLY know how to work it. Much easier to EQ a live track to your liking than EQ the life out of an amp sim
I really like the kick drum sound you've got going, It's got a real thud to it that I like. The guitars sound like they don't have much mids, but that may be where I'm having to use headphones right now. Also, they're really quiet so maybe do something to bring them up a bit?
Thanks man! Oh and the kick is just basically kick 10 with a shit tone of eq...harmonic exciter, and Gclip. And of course the bus compressor makes it pop. That's about It for the kick.
The bass is the issue to my ears. Guitar punch starts with a quality bass track as far as I'm concerned. Clarity range is like 4k and 6k for my setup. Try boosting a little there or perhaps some subtractive eq around that range for a little more clarity. But yeah I can hardly critique it because the bass is so balls haha
Almost all pod tones suck, unless you REALLY know how to work it. Much easier to EQ a live track to your liking than EQ the life out of an amp sim

A lot of people on this forum have gotten great tones out of pod farm with little to no post-processing. Just sayin'. It sounds like your guitars could use some more pre-amp gain, and maybe some kind of saturation. The bass guitar could also go down a hair or two.