Why Star Wars Dominates All


I'm as big a Star Wars fan as any, but the prequels failed to live up to the originals. Sure, they were visually amazing, and those parallels to the original trilogy are kind of interesting...but the writing and acting (& directing) rendered the prequels un-watchable to me. I saw each one 3 or 4 times, which pales to the literal hundreds I've watched the originals throughout my life. I suppose I was hoping the prequels would eventually grow on me - sadly, they did not.

There was such potential, but they blew it big time. (IMO)
Got all 6 Star Wars movies as a christmas present :headbang:

I´m already through 5 of them... Started with the old ones cause those are 100 times better than the new ones!
I wanted them for christmas, too, didn't get them, I try to start with the new ones,
save the best parts for the end.
Episode 2 and 3 are okay, not the best, but there's alot of shit out there, about
Episode 1, it could have been so much better with an other actor for Anakine and
without that fucking Jar Jar Binks, they just wanted to get all the kids into the movie
but goddamn do I hate those two. I think I never saw a kid that looks so arrogant
in a movie like Anakine.
You got me wrong, I was really joking eheheh
Of course the original trilogy is really awesome, while the new one is not really up to those standards.
the last chapter of the new trilogy is as great as the old trilogy btw

Yeah, I actually quite like Episode II and III but Episode I is sooo bad. :cry:
Oh I agree, the screenplay for that movie was ACE and was RoTJ, the screenplay for the new movies just didn't cut it. It had no "cenematic" qualities it was just going through the motions. I really think if they were re-done with a quality director and screenplay writers they would be great. The story isn't the issue, its the way it was portrayed on screen.