Why Warrel Dane does no wrong (serious thread)

I have way more "life experience' than WD. I've put over 1500 hours in Morrowind. What the hell has he ever accomplished other than whining about the government and brain washing his fans into conspiracy theories? If the government is bad, then why do they let WD produce such filth?
I actually considered it, and checked my UM CP for a notepad of some sorts to save it in for this very reason. However, when I didn't find one, I briefly considered saving it on a notepad file of my own but then got sidetracked by something else and never saved it. Fuck!

Hey Birdface, now you REALLY look like a chump. Why the edit? You even predicted a reaction similar to this in your post. Thought you could handle it, eh?
quick recap: he generalized thinking no one knew anything about Warrel, said a bunch of near-worshippy things about him, and did the dumb thing of comparing him to Loomis and calling us all sevenstring morons
Warrel Dane has had more life experience than 99% of this board. I leave room of error so the ego-heads who actually think they have more can delude themselves into thinking they're the 1%. It's just human nature really. If you don't believe me, go and look up Harold Camping's May 21st prophecy and how many dumbasses literally left their jobs because they thought they were going to be the 0.001% of the planet saved in the rapture.

He output's music based on his life experience, and by life experience is lessons gone wrong. No one learns from anything good happening (unless it's just dodging a really bad scenario, but still most people don't learn anyways because...well, welcome to humanity). If you learned a lesson from mommy and daddy giving you a shiny corvette, it's that you're a sociopath

Thus with the economy further going into a depression, people dying from cancer (do you actually think you're not going to get this and slowly rot in a hospital room? rofl)/heart attack/Alzheimers...etc, hatred spreading like wildfire between people, major racism that further separates people...etc; you begin to realize that we're actually screwed. No, this isn't some "oh the world is gonna end" crap, it's "We're actually going to go out with a whimper". Sadly were polluting our lakes and waters to the point where we will actually for the first time cause a mass extinction. Go read pub med and find the latest scientific journals on how bad the ecosystem is. Remember, having your head in the sand is not an excuse anymore since you have a computer.

So what does this have to do with it?
Everything Warrel Dane writes resonates with the pure dissonance that everyone on earth is suffering or going to suffer (unless you're lucky of course). His music strikes a chord at the root element of what we all feel and what we either are experience, or will probably experience.
You can't hit any closer on the nail than that. At worst you can make some fairy tale love stuff (which hey, it does work when you have that S.O. with you at a special time, but even love dies... lets not be naive).

When Warrel Dane goes into overdrive (Dreaming Neon Black), you can literally lose yourself in the album for days. It's best when you break up with someone that you love[d] though... that's what made it so beautiful (and painful) for me. Then you can experience the full range. Virgins need not apply; but you can still enjoy the masterpiece.
The double hit combo comes from Jeff's dissonant riffs to complement Warrel's awesomely twisted vocals. There is no other. Literally, and no I'm not being sarcastic. Find me another combination like Warrel and Jeff were. Hell, find me another vocalist like Warrel Dane. Post a link. I'd like to be proven wrong.
If you still disagree with me, post a video of yourself performing something more emotional than Warrel's solo album's song Brother. I don't mind being proven wrong.

Warrel Dane cannot fuck up. Live, he kicks ass and can hit notes probably a few octaves above my max. Anyone who hasn't experienced has missed out, but don't worry I'm sure he'll be making good stuff for a while to come. Obsidian Conspiracy kicked ass, next album will hopefully too.

So, if you don't like Warrel, go the fuck back to sevenstring.org and watch more guitar masturbation, because Warrel has more talent in his shit than you will ever have. I realized I'm going to just ramble on incoherently as usual and like I am... so if you agree, post here.

Yes, I know that because I put "serious thread" the trolls are going to tell me I have no idea what I'm talking about, how they were a Warrel Dane fan for 15+ years or how they know so much because they can construct a Gmin7#13b15add17maj5. Don't worry, I love you too!

TO WARREL DANE: Don't know if the rumors about you entering a diabetic coma are true or not, but if they are... PLEASE STOP so you can live longer. If you die, music dies. I know you're probably going "is this guy fucking real?", but you're my favorite vocalist bar none. If you die I'm going to have to go back to power metal... do you really want that Warrel?

Let the food spamming begin

Gotta love dat cache