Wilson/Akerfeldt/Portnoy side project rumblings...

Interesting rumor, for sure.

My guess is that the end result would be quite different than what may be expected.....

He is like Lars Ulrich II

??? One can play, is recognized as one of the best progressive drummers, and continues to care about his instrument, the other collects art and bitches for a living.

Having said that, while DT > most other bands technically, its thier curse as well. For every great DT tune, there seems to be an entire disc that isn't even worth listening to. Just my .02. Give me Deadwing over any DT disc, song for song.
OFF TOPIC: I appologize...I saw porcupine tree tuesday night...brilliant,incredible show besides to fact it was a "seating" event literally.:( none the less it was great...stayed back by the bus and met richard(keyboards)(john wesley(live guitarist/singer/(songwriter solo.) and steven wilson..nice bunch..very down to earth...got my cd signed and poster and a shitty phone cam pic. LOL.
hrrmmm this could be good ^^

I don't understand the negativaty towards Portnoy, the dude is an amazing drummer...who cares if Octavarium sucked balls

oh and to Minion520 please do me a favour and GROW THE FUCK UP!
Alchoholics are people too, they cannot help their addiction and are perfectly fine and loving people...maybe even more so than normal people
I just hope Port dont fuck up things and start with his faggish-stuffs, like singing backing vocals and all. He's gay.
batmura said:
The song with Steven Wilson and Portnoy on OSI is easily the best song on the album. Portnoy is a godly musician and deserves to be on the same disc with both Mikael and Wilson. With someone like Malone on bass, they could come up with a great prog rock disc.

Malone? ... he's great, but musically i prefer master Chris Squire himself... that would FUCKIN RULEEE!!!!!! Or Geddy Lee... or Tony Levin... they are still all living and playing legends
u guys are fuckin gay, portnoy rules. even if its a different style of music he plays and you dont like dream theater/transatlantic/liquid tension etc you still have to appreciate that he is a fucking awesome drummer and it'll be interesting to see what these three musical genius's do come up with.
portnoy is undeniably amazing.. so fucking precise and i love his fills. Just buy/watch liquid drum theater if you want evidence of how amazing he is. He may seem a bit poncey at times, but i think with him, mike and steven combined (with a prog bassist) they could make some amazing music. I can imagine Steve and Mike harmonised vocals already.. it'll slay i imagine