Windham Hell


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Someone mind telling me what these guys are about? I see a loathed term used when describing them, "neo-classical", and usually ignore them, only to see the name pop up again by black metal fans and elitists.

THe term "shred" is used a lot to describe them as well. ANd I really don't like that term either. When I think "shred", I think guitar wank like Malmsteen and shit like that.

Apparently this is mostly an instrumental band with few sparse growls. They've released 3 albums, their last one was in 1999.

Help out a brother with another mother.
Classically influenced construction, with a few quotes from Mendelssohn and the like. I heard it was more death than black, anyway.
Firstly, hi everyone. I've been reading this forum for quite a while and I've found a lot of great stuff thanks to royal carnage so I decided to register.
As for Windham - it reminds me of David Lynch's movies with a psychodelic atmosphere.
(click FREE then wait a while till link appears)
Windham Hell is fucking great. Frankly, when I don't listen for a while all these bad descriptions tend to make me shy away from pulling out the album I do own (planning on getting the other two soon, have them on mp3). But when I do take a listen, I remember just how great it is.

Fuck descriptions, go listen to some samples. Though don't take any one song as being representative of all. Listen to an entire album.
You know if I say to you tomorrow we're going on a picnic, you're not going to be afraid, because you know what that is, you know what a picnic is. But if I say TOMORROW YOU'RE GOING TO DIE, that's a little bit scarier because you don't know what that is. And not many people come back to tell about it.
The first track Arunas posted is awesome, and I've heard a few others...very difficult to get a grip on, but they have a real creepy atmosphere and riffs that sound as if they were forged in volcanic rock...must get one of their albums eventually.
Bump because I'm currently listening to some Windham Hell and it's kickass as usual.

On the old TER forum an Agalloch member mentioned that they knew one of the guys from Windham Hell. They said Windham Hell actually had several albums worth of material just waiting around because Moribund won't get off their asses and release it. :mad:
Yep, Reflective Depths Imbibe is pretty sweet atmospheric DM with unusual neoclassical leads that kinda dominate most of the songs, though not in a bad way. Good band, not one I seek out very often though.
Moribund said:
WINDHAM HELL had some material written, but did not record before Eric's death. We had given the band oppertunity to record, but did not push as we are not corporate assholes and assumed that the band simply was not ready to enter studio. We are hoping to put Leland in the studio on his own for the Windham Hell material written, but there's a chance he will not record without Eric, since the two of them made Windham Hell. In which case, no new Windham Hell will be released. But look at our website for updates. As of now, nothing is certain. But we here at Moribund hope that this material which is bound to be phenomenal will surface!

I figured somebody else may be interested.