Windows 7 rules

sweet. I'm gonna uninstall Vista and install Windows 7. hopefully I'll have it done by the end of this week.

btw, does anyone know if this is a hard process to do? I mean uninstalling one OS and then installing another one? I've never done it so I don't know what exactly goes into doing it.
You don't have to actually "uninstall" your current OS first, just get the install disk/files of Windows 7, click install and follow the steps. Also with Windows 7 you can do an "upgrade" so you keep all your files and programs.
It's simple. If you have the windows 7 dvd, you simply install it. You don't have to manually uninstall vista, etc. It will save your old things under a file called windows.old, so you have access to your old things (at least in my case). It wasn't able to upgrade from my Vista Home Premium to Windows 7 Professional.

It's always a good idea to back up things you need in any case. If you are not doing it from the dvd, then you need to use the alcohol program to run it.
I recommend repartitioning your hard drive. Have a separate partition for your files and folders, and install the OS in another partition so you can format it and do a clean install. All I had to backup were msn received files and a couple pics in my documents. Then you pretty much just pop in the cd, format the OS partition, and follow on screen instructions.
Screenshot time!

Here's what happens when you mouseover some inactive window on the taskbar:

Windows Media Player. Now aero actually works when the window is maximized.

Torrent running at decent speed (more like half-decent, but I didn't download anything from a nice tracker with lots of seeds yet, so I'm gonna leave you hanging on this one) + start menu

More bells and whistles on Paint. Unfortunately, it's now gay like msofiice.
Torrents still suck. And and 1GB version of watchmen must be horrible..
And it looks like they took some things from the mac os :lol:
Have been running the beta for a few months now, still running smooth as. It's running better than XP ever did.
That's what everyone says every time Windows gets a slight graphical improvement, which is bullshit to be honest.

Could be, but you can't deny Mac OS has had that quick launch bar there forever.

Anyway, I think both PC and Mac fanboys deserve a good asspanking. Both need to fuck off.
Still, I will quote my friend and agree to that.

"Windows 7 is Vista with makeup, but no matter how much makeup you put on a pig it's still a pig"

Hoping to be a macfag sometime in Windows XP bailed on me again today :lol: This time i have no fucking idea what happened. I suspect some virus...half of the stuff don't work and It's all weird. So now I retreated to Ubuntu to not have to think about solving the problem.
become a macfag.
Its great. you can make jokes about windows without the feeling that you need to protect the os you use :p
nah windows isnt bad , I just dont get why all the windows fans hate mac. I dont like windows that much but I really dont see the reason why mac os is not as good if not waay better. just because you cant play all those games on it?
and no fucking virus since I'm a macfag.
My friend is also switching over. He doesn't hate PC either, he just thinks that Mac will more than satisfy his needs for a computer.

And same here. Occasional gaming, surfing/music, recording, school.
I ain't a game enthusiast anyway...Don't have the time for that anymore.
i really wouldn't mind become a mac fag, sometimes windows pisses me off so much. (for the past 2 days now, my winrar decided to work only wen he wishes)
I use the mac in school a lot, it has its bugs, but nowhere near as windows.
also, by any chance anyone has a crack for the CorelDraw X4? (illustrator doesn't want to install)