Windows 7 rules

My friend is also switching over. He doesn't hate PC either, he just thinks that Mac will more than satisfy his needs for a computer.

And same here. Occasional gaming, surfing/music, recording, school.
I ain't a game enthusiast anyway...Don't have the time for that anymore.

yep, same here. I use it for university and recording and audio shit (ie. university :lol:) and for the interwebs of course and at least to ME it is faster than windows.
it's nice and easy to use, no unnecessary steps, every is just easier and it also looks better(matter of opinion).
Yeah of course you can tell me that you can do this and that and install and uninstall this and that to get your computer faster but I dont think this is an brilliant os then.
And one of the big reasons it's faster is that Windows has shitload of processes and unneccesary codes running. I swear it's been stacking up since Win98.

Anyway, both have their advantages...I don't diss windows though. I guess it's good if you are a gamer...but then again it's pretty much the only choice you have.
Still, I will quote my friend and agree to that.

"Windows 7 is Vista with makeup, but no matter how much makeup you put on a pig it's still a pig"

Sorry but your friend is absolute fucking moron who clearly knows fuck all about 7 then.
Sorry but your friend is absolute fucking moron who clearly knows fuck all about 7 then.

Actually, I'm quite sure he knows more than you. Yes, he has it. Yes, he likes it! It makes no difference...Windows 7 is still Vista 2.0 and it IS still windows. No matter what you say.

To me it doesn't even look like a totally new version. I am absolutely not bashing it though, neither is he. I could use it, It's ALOT better than vista and simplier. Also, looks and feels nicer than XP but is also faster.

Still, I choose to get a Macbook...simply for it being more practical to me. I don't know what to do to my desktop computer though...7 year old piece of shit.

EDIT: I refuse to be "OMGFANBOY" to a new version of Windows just because it was not as much rape as Vista. I also refuse to be macfanboi.
It's not Vista 2.0 for christs sake, if anything, it's a faster, lighter, stripped down version of Vista. Like someone getting an old slow Honda Civic, stripping all the unnecessary bits out and sticking a massive engine in it. Anyone who says it's "Vista 2.0" is an imbecile.
Um, that's kinda what is meant when you say Vista 2.0. It's a improved version of it :lol: It's basically what you said about it...and don't get all clever and picky with the terms. The fact still remains. 7 is the non-fail version of Vista. Anyways, I think i'll stop arguing here since it does no good anyway :lol:

I'll just become a macfag and never worry about Windows again.
Still, I will quote my friend and agree to that.

"Windows 7 is Vista with makeup, but no matter how much makeup you put on a pig it's still a pig"

Hoping to be a macfag sometime in Windows XP bailed on me again today :lol: This time i have no fucking idea what happened. I suspect some virus...half of the stuff don't work and It's all weird. So now I retreated to Ubuntu to not have to think about solving the problem.

Except it's the internals that'vê changed the most, with massive code rewrital. Especially when it comes to memory management. Your friend knows jack shit.
Windows 7 = what Death Magnetic was to Metallica in releasing something they should have...but way later. I've been using the beta as well as Vista and XP on a laptop. I also have a couple Macs and before Vista came out it seemed apparent that Microsoft was trying to copy OSX just a little. People really eat up that Aero GUI...(shiny!). But the one thing I hate about OSX, VIsta and 7 is the space it takes up on its own. Yes, hard drives are cheap as hell and there only getting bigger...but I would have figured over time things were going to get smaller...not bigger. Hell Windows 95 used a supposed 50mb of hard drive space. But I do look forward in getting a full copy of 7 and enjoying it.

I do find it funny the new version of OSX is called Snow Leopard....which is a title of a porn movie I saw at my local store XD..good call Apple!
Except it's the internals that'vê changed the most, with massive code rewrital. Especially when it comes to memory management. Your friend knows jack shit.

I never mentioned anything about that. Neither did misunderstood. My main point was that there is still layers of processes running there.

Anyway, If i ever upgrade this computer it will have Windows 7. I doubt it use in upgrading 7 year old chipsets.
People who use Macs are usually like the people who drive hybrids.
They're dicks.

:lol: I have to agree with that.

About Windows 7, I saw some vidz on the internet, i've a good friend who likes it. I like what it looks like but I can't tell what I think of it cause I've not use it yet.

I'm usually not reluctant to try a new Window version, cause I think it's always possible to improve it by erasing some useless stuff on it, by changing some programs etc...
become a macfag.
Its great. you can make jokes about windows without the feeling that you need to protect the os you use :p
nah windows isnt bad , I just dont get why all the windows fans hate mac. I dont like windows that much but I really dont see the reason why mac os is not as good if not waay better. just because you cant play all those games on it?
and no fucking virus since I'm a macfag.

I like windows and will sure try 7, but I don't hate Macs. I actually want, when I have a salary that can buy me stuff, get one of those big fancy Macs or a MacBook.
I like Macs, and have an older MacBook. My one irritation when it comes to Macs were those commercials for that slim book that could fit into a manilla folder.

Great! It's very skinny! And, therefore, 62 billion times easier to break!

Now, I don't throw my MacBook around, but it has been dinged and has fallen off the bed. It survives, though. I have a feeling it I bought one of those slims it would shatter into sand if I placed in on my desk wrong.


My MacBook has a couple of cracks, but I'd break one of those overpriced pieces of shit in weeks.
I like Macs, and have an older MacBook. My one irritation when it comes to Macs were those commercials for that slim book that could fit into a manilla folder.

Great! It's very skinny! And, therefore, 62 billion times easier to break!

Now, I don't throw my MacBook around, but it has been dinged and has fallen off the bed. It survives, though. I have a feeling it I bought one of those slims it would shatter into sand if I placed in on my desk wrong.

I really don't see the point in getting a Macbook Air...they are less powerful,more expensive and gay. The macbook pro is already so small that it's easy to fit almost anywhere, also cast in aluminium so that probably won't break.
I never mentioned anything about that. Neither did misunderstood. My main point was that there is still layers of processes running there.

Anyway, If i ever upgrade this computer it will have Windows 7. I doubt it use in upgrading 7 year old chipsets.

You mentioned make up. It's simply not true. The only 'make up' is the fact that transparency works with maximized windows.
damn it should try to work with mac. anyways win7 is too bling bling for me. gonna stick with xp for some time,then maybe switch (again) to ubuntu.
The problem with the latest Windows IMO has been that they are made with the mindset "anyone should be able to use it" and that makes it a bit frustrating. Especially the idiotproof stuff in Vista, oh god! It's made the wrong fucking way. Could've just had it XP-simple and it would've worked out just fine.

In my humble opinion, those who can't handle it can get get back to the kitchen!