Wintersun...The New Bodom?

perfecterror said:
I like the way Bodom sounds, so when I hear a band simmilar to Bodom, I usually like the band.
Exactly... this whole thing makes me think about a South Park Episodes ; Simpsons Did It... dunno if any1 saw it...probably! It's just that some people found a good formula at the right time...and after that it's difficult to stand out. You gotta learn how the masters do it...before beatin' them I guess ;)
yeah simpsons did it but to me futurama felt lika a cheap ass copy, south park on the other hand is good..

me? i think the new finnish bands are good musically and everything, but they don't stand out.. sooner or later someone will take the whole idea a bit further, that's when it will become interesting for me.. right now, bodom is the only melodic death band from finland i'll need, they're still progressing!
Jari is one of my favorite musicians, I fell in love with Ensiferum the first time I heard them and have been a devoted follower ever since. Thier self titled blows away 'Iron' and that is a great album. Wintersun has lots of the sound of Ensiferum but of course that's because Jari, is the main singer/song writer of both bands. I never even thought to compare Wintersun with COB because they seem to be be both entirely different. COB is very well put together and are very tight in their song writing while Wintersun has a more hectic sound and not as straight forward as COB. All the while I love both bands immensly.
Sorry, someone said that this is the best first album ever for a band. After listening to the wintersun album i can't find absolutely anything on this CD that can compare with the first time i heard the intro to lake bodom. Something wild is the way better CD.
I liked Futurama...
Btw did Ensiferum's debut come out before SW?

and as a struggling musician:grin:
I'd say that most bands start out by somewhat imitatind there idols and sources of inspiration, not to say thats a bad thing but usually it can be a bit boring... But I'd have to say that Bodom and Ensiferum both found their own sound on their first album. Anyway the only song I've heard from wintersun(the one with the video) does remind me of ensiferum and I've never thought of any similarity to bodom before this thread.
slaesh said:
but you can't deny that norther are alot more influenced by bodom then let's say the gothenburg death metal style?

Well yeah, cause Norther are Finnish and come from the Finnish Melodic Death Scene.

The Gothenburg scene is radically different, and one could say that a lot of gothenburg scene bands rip off each other.
I don't hear any similarity between the bands besides the song Winter Madness which has some elements from the song 'Children of Bodom', especially parts of the solo. I can easily admit that Jari is a much better guitarist than Alexi but I'm not saying that he's a better writer. Well, yes, lyrically.... he's easily the better writer. There is just something about Alexi's soloing and other riffs that I've never been able to compare to another musician.
I can agree about 'country or area' sounds. I mean, I can hear the old 90s Norwegian black metal,etc. The old NWOBHM too.

But what I never got is how while quite a few of say, the 80s Bay Area thrash bands had their 'sound', no one really accused Anthrax from ripping off Exodus as much. No one really accused old NWOBHM bands of ripping one another off. It seems like nowadays is when the 'ripoff' labels have just become rampant. THAT is what i don't like.

Ensiferum's ST album came out in...98 or 99 I think.(Brilliant album too.) Demos I can't remember but i can ask :D
It will sound probably just like it did. Pete's vocals are a little more ... i dunno.. shitty.. but he's a good writer and he can make the guitar feel right at home in that band.
Wow! Thanks for responding!

I've been listening to this CD quite a bit (twice I believe just today) and I think the Bodom comparison is fading away a bit. The first song still sounds 'Bodomish' to me, especially certain vocal parts, but I hear more of the folk elements as I listen to it more, and they use the keyboards in a much different way than Bodom. Janne's keyboards are very, well, overwhelming. He's just as great a soloist as Alexi and is perhaps the best keyboard player in metal today. Wintersun use the keyboards more for for atmosphere. Nothing too showy. Wintersun does sound like a celestial folk powerhouse rather than the signature Finnish metal that is Bodom.

Anyways...both bands are great. Bodom are the greater, simply because they are the veterans.

By the way, does anyone else think that Wintersun are quite possibly the fastest metal band overall?
"Anyways...both bands are great. Bodom are the greater, simply because they are the veterans."

So, if a band's been there longer, they're better?
I think he meant that bodom's more established as a band...
And I'm still saying that even if the first album is great there's no guarantee that the second or third will still kick ass as much as the first...
As for the question of how Ensiferum will sound, they sound pretty much just fine. I saw them play live about a month ago with Pete singing, and Markus handling a lot of the clean vox, and he does a fine job with them. (he always did clean backing vox, now they just have to move them up front) Pete's harsh vocals have always been some of my favorite harsh vox in that genre, and he does awesome.
I plan to go and see them on this X-Mas metalfest thingy...if my parents let me go.....:('d be my first time live Viking metal just pwns!