With Oden on Our Side Artwork and Final Tracklist Revealed!

you knwo what they shoudl do. have with every first 50 releases of their album at all stores a special edition rock with the cover picture embossed on it.
Thrymfal said:
Isn't that in reference to Frey?

although it does give new meaning to Odin...you know....mr.one eye!

Yeah, it is in reference to Frey - I was just kidding. Not about the T-shirt, though, which I do have (and it is for sale on the net, Knarfi, since you asked). Mind you, you never know... With a spear like Gugnir, one might wonder about the need for such a, well...large, penis extention. If one were a Freudian sort of person, that is. Good thing I'm not. :blush:
Tyra said:
IMHO the album is their best release to date. If you don't like the cover, the tracks will still blow the lid off things.
T, if Odin had a boner, it'd be bigger than a fucking pommel, dude! (I have a T-shirt says "My god is better hung than your god".)
I know this question is going to upset some people.

Is there any stupid wank solos a la Releasing Surturs Fire on it?
Well, since I don't agree with your previous position, I assume we have different taste. Therefore, I cannot give you an answer, as I cannot speak for what you'll like.

Smaken, som baken, är delad. Nothing upsetting about that, as long as one does not try to impose ones "taste" on others.
Tyra said:
Well, since I don't agree with your previous position, I assume we have different taste. Therefore, I cannot give you an answer, as I cannot speak for what you'll like.

Smaken, som baken, är delad. Nothing upsetting about that, as long as one does not try to impose ones "taste" on others.
Ofcourse it's my opinion. I think solos of that kind don't fit the mood, to cheerfull for what the musics trying portray. Either that or im taking Amon Amarth to seriously.:D I actually enjoy almost all(maybe even all) solos on Once Sent From The golden Hall for some reason.

Is there any solo at all on With Oden on Our Side? To my memory there wherent any on Fate of Norns.
Larsson said:
One thing that puzzles me is that there's a Lokes Treachery part I but no part II. Whats the meaning of that? :D

It means that we already know 1 song title of the album after "with oden on our side" hrhr

Larsson said:
Ofcourse it's my opinion. I think solos of that kind don't fit the mood, to cheerfull for what the musics trying portray. Either that or im taking Amon Amarth to seriously.:D I actually enjoy almost all(maybe even all) solos on Once Sent From The golden Hall for some reason.

The Golden Hall. Is there any solo at all on it? To my memory there wherent any on Fate of Norns.

Correct me if im wrong, but youve just said u like all the solos on OSFTGH allthough u also think there arent any solos on it? so ur point is that u dont like AA's solos.. nahh i must have read something wrong.
He's saying he likes the solos on Once Sent... despite the fact that he doesn't think they fit the mood.

i think its important to remember that as serious as some of the tunes may seem, they're just a bunch of drunk Swedes trying to have fun.
Thrymfal said:
He's saying he likes the solos on Once Sent... despite the fact that he doesn't think they fit the mood.

i think its important to remember that as serious as some of the tunes may seem, they're just a bunch of drunk Swedes trying to have fun.

hehe yeah.. i dont think Johan H. rly lost a son in a battle (fate of norns), and he also didnt realy make a magic sword wich he suicided with(the avenger).. im not sure tho about the suicide part...
Knarfi said:
It means that we already know 1 song title of the album after "with oden on our side" hrhr

Correct me if im wrong, but youve just said u like all the solos on OSFTGH allthough u also think there arent any solos on it? so ur point is that u dont like AA's solos.. nahh i must have read something wrong.
Thats a fuck up by me. I don't know how I managed to put ''The Golden Hall'' on the last row. What I was trying to ask was if there where any solos on the new album. I edited it now.
Larsson said:
Thats a fuck up by me. I don't know how I managed to put ''The Golden Hall'' on the last row. What I was trying to ask was if there where any solos on the new album. I edited it now.

hehe well, about the new album.. i guess we'll have to wait to find out
As usual I await this release with much anticipation. I hate to say this, because 'Fate of Norns' is a decent album, but I hope it's an improvement!
I was expecting Odin leading an army or something. Has this album leaked yet because if it's not being released in the US how else can I hear it?
Another month won't kill anyone...I think...
It IS being released in the US, end of September. Not to worry.

I think it's good when a band doesn't "stand still" (sound the same over and over again, to the point where you cannot tell one album from another) and yet does not sell out. This is not a sell out ("Black") album by any means. I don't know how to describe music (I-m an archaeologist, not a critic), but the first thing that came to my mind is "Classic AA!". By the time the third track started playing, I caught myself grinning widely. (Well, the good Christian lady down the road would have said it was an evil sneer...it's the kind of music that one would play whilst kicking someone's ass, OK?)
Tyra said:
Another month won't kill anyone...I think...
It IS being released in the US, end of September. Not to worry.

I think it's good when a band doesn't "stand still" (sound the same over and over again, to the point where you cannot tell one album from another) and yet does not sell out. This is not a sell out ("Black") album by any means. I don't know how to describe music (I-m an archaeologist, not a critic), but the first thing that came to my mind is "Classic AA!". By the time the third track started playing, I caught myself grinning widely. (Well, the good Christian lady down the road would have said it was an evil sneer...it's the kind of music that one would play whilst kicking someone's ass, OK?)

That last sentence made the final hit: im buying it on the release date! nah kidding, i already decided that :D