"With Oden On Our Side" OUT NOW! Discuss...

TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
The top of the poster reads "IF YOU DON'T LIKE AMON AMARTH, YOU'RE NOT INTO METAL!"

I wonder where they got that from? Or am I suffering from hybris? Anyway,

Reminds me of Manowar "If you're not into metal, you are not my friend"

...Maybe Amon Amarth wanted to make fun of Manowar (Joey Demaio) who dare to pretend to pay a tribute to Odin with their forthcoming album...just a theory !!!
The diagonal runes along the edge of the Valknot read "Amon Amarth", if that's the runes you were referring to.
the other runes on top of the valknot (didnt know that the thing is called valknot) read "with oden on our side", at least i think so because the number of letters matches the number of runes ;)
The Bringer said:
Wow, nice work. I'm impressed. Do you know what it says on the front of the CD?

Well, I have yet to get mine, and I couldn't find pictures of it to read it, but I did find a good source with the runes, their names, what corresponding english letter they are, and what they stand for alone. And a name translator.


Gotta love PBS :)
Got mine too today, bought the only available copy at that store :D

Awsome album, and most of all, what a sound quality, gods sake, you can tell where every piece of the drumset stood when it was recored. Way to go guys:kickass:

PS: I Will be coping the lyrics soon, so we can get the real lyrics online :P Couse there still are quite a nice amount of mistakes in the lyrics here at the board.
Just an example: His head explodes see the lightning strike --real-> His rage is pure/His hate is pure(first time/second time):OMG:

Greetz bAer`-
although its probably just the booze i'm drinking at the moment, i wanna thank you for doing great music. no huge experiments which could cost you many old fans, just straight forward viking death metal which gives me goose bumps all the time.
Hail and skål! :kickass: