WOMAN!: if there's 1 for the men, there's gotta be 1 for women

Forget about jewelry, men just NEVER hit the taste of the girls (unless you are one of these rich russian bosses who appear in James Bond movies and always know how to buy the right stuff).

I advice restaurant and something creative with a picture of you two.
well how sad is this, i'm stooping so low as to troll some internet forum because of my lack of creativity.

well here it is ladies: i need some valentine's day ideas. i have absolutely no idea where to take her/what to get her/etc. help would be greatly appreciated :erk:

How about personal gift card to your services, like massage, promise to take her horse back riding or anything you know she would appreciate but you don't do too often and if it's something you can do together you benefit from it also. I know that I would appreciate something personal over bought gifts.

and nice restaurant works also.
haha yeah. i just said jewelry cuz most girls are so materialistic now days, that's just what is expected of them. I'd also prefer something like you said, valkokukka.
How about personal gift card to your services

aka please have sex with me? :p

haha sorry.

but like srsly actually I was thinking of eating out for sure, but i actually couldn't think of anything past chocolate and flowers. which is horribly boring and typical.
well how sad is this, i'm stooping so low as to troll some internet forum because of my lack of creativity.

well here it is ladies: i need some valentine's day ideas. i have absolutely no idea where to take her/what to get her/etc. help would be greatly appreciated :erk:

How about personal gift card to your services, like massage, promise to take her horse back riding or anything you know she would appreciate but you don't do too often and if it's something you can do together you benefit from it also. I know that I would appreciate something personal over bought gifts.

and nice restaurant works also.

like she said, promisses and money :p
like she said, promisses and money :p


On the 20th/21st of February (depending on where you are), there will be a Total Lunar Eclipse. For MIMA, Daniel and I will be watching it together. I told him in order to survive 2-6am in Sweden it'll be best for him to be very drunk. Now that I'm 21, I may get drunk for the increased lulz as well.

Mmmk y'all can say yeah yeah whatever new guy now.

On the 20th/21st of February (depending on where you are), there will be a Total Lunar Eclipse. For MIMA, Daniel and I will be watching it together. I told him in order to survive 2-6am in Sweden it'll be best for him to be very drunk. Now that I'm 21, I may get drunk for the increased lulz as well.

First of all, damn you for being so in touch with him :mad:. Second, i didn't know anything about the eclipse.
First of all, damn you for being so in touch with him :mad:. Second, i didn't know anything about the eclipse.
Haha sorry! He's not the type to be easily swooned so... I do have my work ahead of me, no sure bet that I have him in my grasp just yet. I found out about the eclipse a few days ago... it'll start at 8:somethinpm on the 20th for us. I figured I'd shoot the info his way and turned out he's into that weird shit. Brownie points.
ok so i've got it.

valentine's day: going out to eat. and conveniently, Ricardo Iznaola just HAPPENS to be giving a classical guitar concert that same night. two birds with one stone? :kickass:

it's creative, it's unique, and i get to do something i would have fucking done anyway
ok so i've got it.

valentine's day: going out to eat. and conveniently, Ricardo Iznaola just HAPPENS to be giving a classical guitar concert that same night. two birds with one stone? :kickass:

it's creative, it's unique, and i get to do something i would have fucking done anyway
What's her zodiac sign? I'll help ya there...
I do. It works. Tell me your sign... I bet you're one of those uptight disbelieving types. Edit: I just checked out your profile... Fuckin Cancer. Pussy bitch. Go cuddle somethin.

Now, if her birthday is in November and before the 20th, she's a Scorpio. Do something mysterious, subtley seductive and romantic. Scorpio isn't one to favor frills and fringe bullshit. She's interested in getting to the point and getting down to business. No detours or drawn-out escapades. She'll get bored easily and will stop undressing you with her eyes. Yes, she undresses you with her eyes. Make sure to look your best... she'll appreciate it. Also, don't assume she's not listening. She is. Do dinner (she'll sting if you don't) but make it sexy. Dim lighting, atmosphere, mystery, all that good stuff. That doesn't mean it has to be expensive! Just... make it look like you're making the effort to bring out her secure, sensual side. Let her feel free to express her personality more than she can in normal day-to-day situations.

Good luck.
Shoot away, I'm sure you can dig up the "good" and the "bad" on each zodiac sign.

What if I were to tell you I am a Leo? Am I "positive", "masculine", and "extroverted"?

What if I were to tell you I am a Cancer? Am I "negative", "feminine", or "introverted"?

And what if I told you my birthday is only ONE day apart from both of these astrological signs.

Hmm... I sense bullshit.

I do. It works. Tell me your sign... I bet you're one of those uptight disbelieving types. Edit: I just checked out your profile... Fuckin Cancer. Pussy bitch. Go cuddle somethin.

AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! THIS SHIT IS HILARIOUS! Give me a fucking break. My very best friend, who shares the SAME EXACT birthday, is the opposite of me in many ways. He is very naive, willing to believe in astrology or religion, and very "spirital". How do you explain this? :lol: You are great! You could have a career in scamming people.

How the fuck does a few days determine my zodiac sign and traits?
Your profile says your birthdate is July 15th. Leo doesn't start til the 19th.

You're just like my ex, a Cancer. Disbelieving, combative, overly sensitive, bitchy and insecure.

A reminder- this astrology talk didn't involve you in the first place.
This is relevant to my interests :lol:

Can you please address my questions regarding my friend who shares the same birthday (July 15) and another good friend whom I have lost touch of (July 17) are seemingly opposites to me? Also, do you honestly believe if I came out of my mother 4 days later, that I would have completely different traits? I am not being a cynical prick, I am actually very interested in learning about why people are the way they are and believe/behave in the manner that they do.