Woo killer rock & roll long weekend continues..

Yep :rock:

Both are just like seeing a full Kiss show in a club, with lots of cool songs in the setlist. Kisstroyer did Unholy for the first time on Sunday, it rocked!
So do I :rock:

They also played War Machine & Parasite. One cool thing is that both tribute bands sound heavier than Kiss and also like to favour the heavier songs they did. They had a KILLER guitar sound too... but what do you except when both guitarists are using TWO JCM2000 FULL stacks each!
I love that song :rock:

"I'm 93 you're 16, can't you see I'm goin' blind!"

Gene has always had a thing for teenage girls hasn't he haha!
I hate Gene Simmons so much, he is like the lowest piece of slime that crawled out of the ocean 80 bazillion years ago and morphed into a man, while still retaining all the qualities of the slime that got him there.
I hate him too for what he's doing to Kiss but I don't hate him for his attitude to business, women & money really. He goes for what he wants & good on him for living the life he wants to live. But just stop fucking up the best band in the world and tarnishing their legacy!
He is full of shit, he is one of the worst businessmen of ALL TIME! Nothing he is involved in outside Kiss works! Even Detroit Rock City absolutely bombed at the box office! I dont think his attitude towards women is one anyone should be emulating either, and yes, he has screwed Kiss seemingly beyond redemption now :(
I don't think its anything anyone should be emulating either, but I gotta respect that he just doesn't give a fuck what people think and does what he wants. And I also think he's a shit businessman, but I don't hate him for it haha.

The only reason I hate him is because of what he's been turning Kiss into since the Reunion Tour.
I just think he is a wanker who should be SO damn thankful he hooked up with Paul Stanley because Gene NEVER could have made it on his own, whereas Paul would have :)
Totally agree there! Paul is the TALENT in Kiss. Gene was along for the ride!

Paul - one of the most overlooked vocalists ever in rock & one of the best songwriters also. I love him! :rock: :rock: :rock: Sometimes I wish I was a girl so I could fuck him. Well not really I just thought I'd add that for effect haha!