Work Choices: Another example of why it's fucked

Yep, Work Choices offers you two choices: work for us for shit money and conditions, or don't work and get nothing, because if you're unemployed and you knock back a job you've been offered, you can't get the dole.

Thats a rather crude assessment. No doubt that this employer was a knob, but im sure the young lady could leave and work elsewhere for a similar wage with better conditions.
Dan your the rudest person I have ever had the displeasure of having any contact with. By using the colourful language that spews forth from your brain to the keyboard highlights the fact you have no backbone and in fact your the sheep clicking at the heels of the most arigont leader this country has ever had. I realised that living in Adelaide has it's obvious disadvantages and that many people that I have met from them have the same bad attitude you have but your bar far worse than any of them as you don't stop, you can never be kind to anyone. Oh I forgot you are nice to some, you kiss the ass of low life polititians who shit on their voters and everyone else in this country for that matter.
i had that sort of shit when i worked security.

stuff like "start at such-n-such club at 10pm"... and you get there and it's empty and they say "oh we won't get you to sign on until 12, it's too quiet". Stuff like that. Extra annoying if you've done a few hours at another pub first, so like you're out from 7pm till 6am, but they stop paying you at 5 when the club shuts (not when you actually finish) and don't pay you for the 2 hour period when they weren't busy enough for you to sign on.

my brother is working security at the moment and was telling me today that they're expected to show up 20 minutes early for their shift handover, which they don't get paid for... also on a 12 hour shift he's been told he's not entitled to ANY breaks because they have a meal provided which they don't have to pay for.

bloody outrageous.
The main thing that pisses me off about you Dan, is that you ask us for reasons for you to realise that Howard is a fuck and bad for this country... then we give you facts and proof (as you base your whole life on) you just ignore it because it doesn't fit in with what you want to believe.

Nah, I ask for economic reasons why the current prosperity this country is seeing will be continued under Labor; none of you commies have given me that yet. Thats what hippies do though, sprout their trap then when it comes to crunch time, they have nothing.
fucknuckle, you didn't ask a single question in this thread, economic or otherwise fuckface.

Now get back to the thread, and explain to us "hippies, commies, and pinkos" how Workchoices helps Australians to negotiate fairer conditions with their employers.
fucknuckle, you didn't ask a single question in this thread, economic or otherwise fuckface.

Now get back to the thread, and explain to us "hippies, commies, and pinkos" how Workchoices helps Australians to negotiate fairer conditions with their employers.

hahaha, fucknuckle

Man i speant the whole other thread asking tonnes of questions and explaining my thought process, i dont need to ask any more. Now is the time for bagging you hippies for not answering my questions, thats how the game is played.
He won't though, because when he's faced with bald-faced facts about how fucked things like this are, he can only resort to name-calling.

er... do i need to dribble the induspitible stats about our country again?
Even before these laws were brought in I only ever got 30 min lunch break regardless of my hrs, it could be 4 or 10. Also it was unpaid...thats normal though?

admittedly, my boss was slack, so it wasnt a big deal.
Dän;6325885 said:
Even before these laws were brought in I only ever got 30 min lunch break regardless of my hrs, it could be 4 or 10. Also it was unpaid...thats normal though?

admittedly, my boss was slack, so it wasnt a big deal.

Well, you're entitled to a 1/2 hour every 8 hours you work. So if you worked 8 hours, you're entitled to 1/2 hour, and then an extra 1/2 hour for every hour you work after that.
Dän;6325689 said:
er... do i need to dribble the induspitible stats about our country again?

Do I need to dribble the latest news about the housing crisis? The rental squeeze pushing people into caravans because they can't afford rent in the cities, and can't move to the country, because there's no work there? This stuff was news just this week. More bleeding heart pinko stuff though, and nothing to do with 4% unemployment and the resources boom, so it doesn't really matter to you, huh?
Do I need to dribble the latest news about the housing crisis? The rental squeeze pushing people into caravans because they can't afford rent in the cities, and can't move to the country, because there's no work there? This stuff was news just this week. More bleeding heart pinko stuff though, and nothing to do with 4% unemployment and the resources boom, so it doesn't really matter to you, huh?

Mate, the housing crisis and the unafordability of housing is due to the supply of land. The Fed Gov has announced they will release more land that they own for houses to be built on; the state gov need to do the same thing.

The main reason for the high prices currently is because the supply of anything, but in particular housing, is fixed in the short term; the supply of housing in the cities is even worse because you can only build up and not out in most cases; it takes time to build a high rise appartment block, you cant just eleviate the problem overnight.

Like I said its a land not housing problem, more land needs to be released so more houses can be built, when theres more houses available the prices will come down and it wont be a major issue on a decades time.