Work Choices: Another example of why it's fucked

'Men are so simple, The deceiver will always will find someone to be decieved'

'Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experice who you really are'

'The Common people are always impressed by appearances'

Think of this when you're voting for the summit party.
Dan, are you saying that the masses are easily deluded?

Ya huh. Look at the support that Rudd has gained for no other reason other than his appearance and apparent likeability and charm. This is what most people vote on, not for good leaders.
Dän;6399460 said:
Ya huh. Look at the support that Rudd has gained for no other reason other than his appearance and apparent likeability and charm. This is what most people vote on, not for good leaders.

And yet they voted for Howard. Three times. Interesting....
haha, no, you call howard charming?

Howards record is proven, Rudd has no credentials and hence all his support is summed up by my quotes above.
Howard had a piss poor record first time he was elected though, no? What, dumped a couple of times as leader, treasurer during possibly the worst period of Liberal history.
Dan (and the Libs in general) seem to keep ignoring how bad a Treasurer Howard was. I don't like Costello anymore than anyone, but when he alludes to the fact that it's been his fiscal ability that's kept the economy afloat and not Howard's leadership, I believe him. Howard was the worst Treasurer since World War Two, and only got to be leader because there wasn't anyone else. He was in the right place and the right time, and the people around him have kept him propped up ever since. If he was such a good leader, so adroit and on the cutting edge, he would have invested money into biofuels and green issues years ago when one of his own departments first issued a white paper on the climate crisis, instead of ignoring it and burying it on an internet backwater. He would have intervened in the child abuse crisis and implemented policy on health care and the housing squeeze six or seven years ago. Instead, he's just flown kites and used Orwellian politics to keep the public blinded to real issues. Now that the public is finally awake to real issues, they've finally realised how hopeless he is.
Dän;6399619 said:
haha, no, you call howard charming?

Howards record is proven, Rudd has no credentials and hence all his support is summed up by my quotes above.

the interest rates just went up AGAIN!!!!!!!!!........when the interest rates where low on the books the Coward government took the credit for it , last election his propaganda ads that us taxpayers had to pay for said that under a labour government the interest rates would go up sky high and beyond , remember that?? ...........another interest rate rise and guess what he blames the states for it heh heh , your leader is gone and he knows it , only his brainwashed minions are still singing his praise , even people in his party which is fragmented to the shithouse and beyond are questioning what to do next .
Oh yeah ....I can see it , I can see it coming on , bring on the guillotine :)
I don't like those Workplace Authority adverts, especially that woman who thinks "law" is a word with two syllables.

the iron bitch must have watched too many Metallica clips ......lawahh, yeahah , workahhh , AWAahhhhhhhh , what a bloody joke , and we have to pay for it , especially when I worked as much overtime last year as I could and get taxed to the fuck for it only to see such bullshit on tv , it makes me not very happy :)
I like the part where she says they can't take your holidays away unless you agree to it.

"You can have this job, but you have to work on the public holidays."

"But I like public holidays!"

"Oh well. You there, migrant worker! You don't celebrate Christmas anyway! Wanna job? Maybe I'll just go to ACA and complain about how I have lots of jobs but no-one wants them. Oh, and by the way, since you knocked back this job you're not counted as unemployed anymore."
Dän;6399460 said:
Ya huh. Look at the support that Rudd has gained for no other reason other than his appearance and apparent likeability and charm. This is what most people vote on, not for good leaders.

you're an idiot.

but apart from that... people have wanted to vote Howard out for years, but the opposition failed to gain their confidence at the previous few elections, so it was a case of "better the devil you know" for most voters.

The reasons for wanting Howard & the Liberals out are various and numerous, and if (as seems to be your habit) you're just going to ignore all the legitimate issues that people are talking about here and dismiss it with "it's just because he's prettier" then... fuck it i can't even be bothered arguing with such an ignoramous.
Fuck then; by all means fill me in on Labor's policies all wise one, and tell me how they are better than Howards and how they can continue to see this country grow and expand.

When you realise that using Labor and economic policy in the same sentence is an oxymoron, you will agree with me that Rudds support is based on his appearance and apparent wit and charm. The party hasnt changed since beazly left, only it appears to have changed. All hail the new incompetence!
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