Work Choices: Another example of why it's fucked

because Dan just ignores everything anyway.

that was kinda the gist of my lost post. I have nothing better to do right now so i will try again.

This is what i notice about most pro-Liberal / pro-Howard people online. They're blind and oblivious to anything that is evidence of a flaw in Howard's policies. So when "workchoices" came in and people said "this is designed to let employers fuck their workers over and make them work under worse conditions for less money", Howard supports argued that no safeguards against such actions where necessary. Something about how... paying people less would mean bigger profits, and bigger profits meant more money for everyone, or something. I'm still not sure how that was supposed to make sense.

So then within a week or two of the "workchoices" coming in, it was almost immediate, stories started coming out of people being sacked for no reason and offered their jobs back a reduced rate / reduced conditions. Exactly what we were told would never happen. Still the Howard fan boys refused to accept that anything was wrong. Guys like Dan dismiss such stories with comments like "i'm sure he/she/you could just find somewhere better to work" rather than admit that there was a problem with the legislation changes.

And now even when the flaws in the new laws have been proven to a degree that the government has had to stop using the name "work choices" and set up the new workplace ombudsman to try to placate people's fears of having no rights at work anymore... no one is buying it.

But no... the reason people want to vote Howard out isn't because they're dissatisfied with the changes to industrial relations and scared about how they or their kids are going to be fucked over by unscrupulous employers... it's just because Kevin Rudd is prettier.

nigga please. Why am i even dignifying that with a response, again?
Dan, you do your cause no good when you ignore stats put up by Goreripper, while continually going on about how us pinkos never present you with any facts. The ones he presented were from the ABS, not some group with their own interests.

On a side note, my pay went up by 5.5% on July 1, but that's because I'm on a certified agreement, which was devised with union involvement.
In one of my subjects at TAFE I now have access to a lot of information for our dear Dan in the way he has asked for facts and figures.
I'm also now involved in investigating these IR laws and what are the real meanings behind each one and a whole lot more to do with all the the legislations the government has brought in what they mean.
So pucker up Dan your about to be slapped in the face with a dead fish you call economy with your pal Johnny's face stuck on it.
You can also make things fact, and then use them prove things are true even when they aren't.

This is what conservatives do.

Do you know who else does it? Jews.
Dan, you do your cause no good when you ignore stats put up by Goreripper, while continually going on about how us pinkos never present you with any facts. The ones he presented were from the ABS, not some group with their own interests.

On a side note, my pay went up by 5.5% on July 1, but that's because I'm on a certified agreement, which was devised with union involvement.

well i havent had a chance to reply as i havent been on, so settle down, furthermore, im drunk currently so i wont say stuff now, but i will when im not.
You can also make things fact, and then use them prove things are true even when they aren't.

This is what conservatives do.

Do you know who else does it? Jews.

hahahaha, wrong way around pinko :kickass:
On a totally different track, I walked into the lounge room this morning as a story was finishing about how much it would cost to "remove" the IR changes. Is this the new tactic to scare people out of voting in Labour?
Yes Tod it's one of Liberals campaigns at the moment trying to scare voters into thinking what labour wants is going to cost the voter money just the same way Howard claimed to be able to keep interest rates low whilst he was in power.
Dän;6404818 said:
well i havent had a chance to reply as i havent been on, so settle down, furthermore, im drunk currently so i wont say stuff now, but i will when im not.
Yet you have had a chance to reply to other posts and try and be a smart ass to Chris.
Are you by any chance related to Howard you blatantly lie in the same way.
Yet you have had a chance to reply to other posts and try and be a smart ass to Chris.
Are you by any chance related to Howard you blatantly lie in the same way.

I was drunk, how the fuck is that lying?

I didint reply for that reason