Work Choices: Another example of why it's fucked

hmmm, such a powerful and persuasive argument Dan.

Reminds me of a few of Howard's "arguments" over the years.

Hope Howard likes the workchoices decisions of his employers (the people of Bennelong) when it comes to placing his next contract/mandate.

either that, or a less senior lib in an ultra safe seat will stand down, causing a by-election, and Jackboot Johnny can run for election there.

Of course, the expense involved in an un-needed by-election will boost the economy, slash interest rates, reduce unemployment, improve the environment, and simultaneously be the fault of the labor state Governments.
hmmm, such a powerful and persuasive argument Dan.

Reminds me of a few of Howard's "arguments" over the years.

Hope Howard likes the workchoices decisions of his employers (the people of Bennelong) when it comes to placing his next contract/mandate.

Mate, howard is like 68, do you think he really cares what happens? If he retained his seat but lost the election I would dare say he would retire anyways. Sure its embarassing, but at the end of it he has achieved alot in 11 years and made this country a better place.

Not over yet though
TinMan666 said:
so here's how it goes when seeking advice re: unfair dismissal and non payment of monies owed by previous employer.

step 1: email the office of workplace ombudsman

result: told to wait for a call from the workplace info line.

step 2: get tired of waiting for a call, so call the workplace info line yourself.

result: get told to call the AIRC

step 3: call the AIRC

result: get told to call the workplace info line.

step 3a: advise the AIRC that it was the Workplace info line who told you to call the AIRC

result: get told to call jobwatch.

step 4: call jobwatch

result: get told to call the workplace ombudsman, workplace info line, AIRC and seek legal advice, although it would probably not be worth proceeding with legal action anyway due to the cost.

step 5: KILL ALL HUMANS. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

The ombudsman only has 250 people investigating all work issues across the entire workforce for Australia. It's a very very very very long wait I know of a local who lodged his aplication for investigation over 6 months ago and he still hasn't heard a thing.
I saw another anti-anti-WorkChoices ad last night. Three big boofy blokes (obviously representing the evil, tyrannical Union movement) barge into a small business and shut the power off. I was laughing so hard, I forgot to be insulted. Does the Business Council really, really expect us to swallow that?
Then there would be a new Prime Minister. He'd no longer be an MP so he'd be gone.

At least that's my understanding.

That's right, although there is talk of persuading a junior backbencher from another seat to shift aside for him. That's if that member wins his seat, of course. But if Howard retires anyway, it would be a hollow victory, really.
and you don't deserve the right to breathe, eat or reproduce. So, that's ok with me.

oh fuck off, so you're saying that the country was better in 1996 than it is now? Youd be hard pressed to find anyone besides your fellow pinkos to agree with you on that. Just because you dont like him doesnt mean he hasnt done good, i dont like keating but i can see some good things he did.

You lot are so one eyed, thats your problem; I can see good and bad in both party's, you pricks just think that howard is satan who wants to kill everyone and that rudd has sun glowing from his arse hole.

If labor wins...4 years till next recession, any takers :kickass:
Dän;6415274 said:
I can see good and bad in both party's

Once again. a fine use of language and grammar.

So you can see the good in labor, tell us the good bits.

Then I'll concede the things that I've seen as a subject of the liberal party over the last bunch of years.
Dän;6415274 said:
oh fuck off, so you're saying that the country was better in 1996 than it is now? Youd be hard pressed to find anyone besides your fellow pinkos to agree with you on that. Just because you dont like him doesnt mean he hasnt done good, i dont like keating but i can see some good things he did.

You lot are so one eyed, thats your problem; I can see good and bad in both party's, you pricks just think that howard is satan who wants to kill everyone and that rudd has sun glowing from his arse hole.

If labor wins...4 years till next recession, any takers :kickass:

rofl at the fucking irony.

did I ever actually say anything pro-Labor party here?

I have all sorts of reservations about some of their policies. That's not what this topic was about though... we were talking about how bad the "workchoices" changes are.

Lets see though... housing prices unaffordable. Petrol unaffordable. Absolutely no rights for workers as discussed already. Increased risk of terrorism. All sorts of environmental issues unadressed.

yeah he's done a great job. But to be fair... lets blame the Labor party for that, because all they had to do was produce a 1/2 way credible opposition at either of the last 2 elections and the Libs would have been out a long time ago.
Dän;6415274 said:
If labor wins...4 years till next recession, any takers :kickass:

There'll be a recession regardless of who wins. This is why the social safety nets that Howard has eroded need to be fixed. This is why the workplace reforms need to be amended. When the economy plummets, the workers and the poor will need those protections.