Work Choices: Another example of why it's fucked

Perceive this! haha

the Your Rights AT Work bus is rolling into town on the 5th September. Well from Lithgow to Hazelbrook anyway. Will be at a coal mine then somewhere else in Lithgow then onto Katoomba, then goes onto my TAFE then of to Hazelbrook bowling club.
You have to preach to the converted somtimes.

ALso, what the fuck is the deal with the quote in your sig, I dont get what it is saying about either the treasurer or PM, or the relevance of it.
That just shows your level of inteligence if you don't understand!

Do you? If so explain it
Just because I don't understand something doesn't make me unintelligent; also, :lol: at you spelling intelligence wrong while trying to inform me of my apparent lack of it.
Dan never lived through the Keating Years wrt sledging across the house.

Keating ended up an arrogant fuckwit, who I ended up voting against (after previously voting for), just like another bloke I'm voting against this time.

BTW, Xena's sig is one of Keating's better analogies.
So you voted against keating because he became arrogant; no thought came into your mind whether or not he would actually be a better PM than Howard?

Will you vote for Rudd on the same basis, then in years to come complain because he sucks?
OK, what do you know about icebergs ?

He's suggesting that Costello is all tip (i.e. the bit that you can see), but lacking substance (i.e. the 90% of the iceberg that you don't see).

As to the Coconut glued to the seat, that's pretty fitting as you'd need a bloody good crowbar to get (former) monobrow out of it.
Dän;6441695 said:
So you voted against keating because he became arrogant; no thought came into your mind whether or not he would actually be a better PM than Howard?

Will you vote for Rudd on the same basis, then in years to come complain because he sucks?

Keating was always arrogant. As a PM he was adequate, but he was a far better Treasurer than Howard and had more spine than that goose Costello. Keating got rolled because he lost touch with the voters. Howard wasn't flavour of the month at the time either. He just happened to be Opposition leader at the time. Howard didn't win the 1996 election. Keating lost it. It's interesting how political history repeats itself, isn't it? Few people actually care about who would make a "better" PM. They just know who they don't want to be there.
Dän;6441695 said:
So you voted against keating because he became arrogant; no thought came into your mind whether or not he would actually be a better PM than Howard?

Will you vote for Rudd on the same basis, then in years to come complain because he sucks?

Quite a while ago (15 years ago or so), I came to the realisation that our system doesn't work.

It doesn't matter who we vote for, they are all politicians...i.e they are in it for THEIR own benefit not mine.

The people that WE elect are supposed to represent US, not some party ideology.

If I was king, to "vote on party lines" while in parliament would be considered a conspiracy. Every politician should vote as their electorate would want them to, or on their own conscience.

So I decided that in the current political environment elections are not voting "for" anybody, but voting against people who fuck us over, or become arrogant fuckwits.

They have their chance at representing us. If they fail, I vote against them.

Keating had a chance, and got voted against.
Howard had a chance and got voted that point, I had Libs last, Labor 2nd Last, and Andren first on my ballot paper.

Andren was an independent, who represented the people of my electorate. He answered my emails, challenged my views, I challenged his views, and I kept voting for him.

He must have had an effect, because the boundaries changed, and he's no longer here...funny stuff ensued, but won't go into that now.

So currently, I try to vote people out.

One day, a wise politician (remember, they are the only people we vote for) will decide to represent the people that voted for them, rather than rule the people.

That person will be respected, and allowed to represent the people for a long, long time.

I'll give Rudd a chance this time...first time in ages that Labor is #1 on my paper.