Work Choices: Another example of why it's fucked

Yeh economic downturns are inevitable, but the extent of them can be softened by good poilcy - look at the last 11 years.
rofl at the fucking irony.

did I ever actually say anything pro-Labor party here?

I have all sorts of reservations about some of their policies. That's not what this topic was about though... we were talking about how bad the "workchoices" changes are.

Lets see though... housing prices unaffordable. Petrol unaffordable. Absolutely no rights for workers as discussed already. Increased risk of terrorism. All sorts of environmental issues unadressed.

yeah he's done a great job. But to be fair... lets blame the Labor party for that, because all they had to do was produce a 1/2 way credible opposition at either of the last 2 elections and the Libs would have been out a long time ago.

Fuck off at no rights for workers.
Housing is not gov controlled, pertol isnt gov controlled, terrorism can only be partially off set by the gov.
Dän;6417341 said:
Yeh economic downturns are inevitable, but the extent of them can be softened by good poilcy - look at the last 11 years.

Yep, erode Medicare. Force people onto health care plans they can barely afford. Scrap the Government dental scheme. "Work for the Dole". Great social policy there. You haven't been paying any attention, have you?
Just in regards to health care schemes, this is one prime example of conservative capitalism at its best: deregulate the industry, dismantle the social security net to "encourage" people to take out personal health insurance, then do nothing when the insurers double and triple their costs overnight.
Well seeing as Dan has never been an adult under a Federal Labor government, then he's unqualified to comment (or to vote I'd guess).
Because no one over the age of 30 voted Liberal in the past 12 years? :Smug:
Nah, I was referring to the comments today in the media regarding "unqualified" to be in Government, whereby anybody who hasn't been in Government is unqualified to be in Government.
I didn't realise Dan was still a kid by age I knew he was in attitude.

Dan once you have lived number of years as an adult and have actually voted in much more than a state election come back and argue about the real world.

So becuase Im young i dont know about the real world and my opinion is wortheless?
Just because I challenge your thinking you can't take it. You need to grow up in attitude, you have never once made a good argument, you suck as a voter.
Dan Reply-o-matic - Tick the appropriate box.

[ ] Fuck off you pinko scum.
[ ] You have yet to give me an argument worth reading, fuck off.
[ ] hahaha you suck and don't know shit about fuck all.
This, coming from a fellow who uses insults and swearing as an argument, ignores facts he so constantly asks for and simply won't listen when he's shown to be wrong.

Yeh that is true; but thats because I dont know everything and I am the only one here whos voting Liberal, or at least will debate about it.
Dan Reply-o-matic - Tick the appropriate box.

[ ] Fuck off you pinko scum.
[ ] You have yet to give me an argument worth reading, fuck off.
[ ] hahaha you suck and don't know shit about fuck all.

:lol: hahaha you suck and don't know shit about fuck all :kickass: