Work Choices: Another example of why it's fucked

you aren't paying attention.

The "super economists" Treasury documents state that supply of land is only a small factor.

Productivity Commission (who they proclaim every time it recommends sticking it to the workers) have consistently recommended abolishing negative gearing to take the "investors" out of the market, and return it to an accommodation market.

While (rich) people can own ten houses, and have the renter and taxpayer pay for the mortgage, there's always going to be upward pressure on prices and rental costs.

And you reckon that WE don't listen.

Surely a budding economist pays attention to the productivity commission.
On housing, land availability is only a small art of it. It's convenient for Howard though, as he can blame the states. There's shitloads of new development on the outskirts of Melbourne (and a lot in established areas too), so land doesn't seem to be a major problem. Housing has never been less affordable in my lifetime though. Rents have gone way up as well.

My wife is on an AWA. She certainly wasn't given the opportunity to negotiate it; 'twas a case of take it or leave it. She doesn't get paid extra on weekends or public holidays. Overall it's not a bad place to work for (it's a cafe/restaurant), but I'm not too happy about the weekend/pub hol issue.
Saw the adds tonight proclaiming that there's a commission set up to prosecute those who behave illegally/unfairly.

Given that should this commission be real, and functional, and given the public position, you would expect that we would have seen headlines showing all of the "bastards" that were doing to wrong thing.

No headlines, no prosecutions.

Must mean that every arsehole act that we've seen to date is, in fact, legal.
while on the subject, i got sacked today.

took some time off (under doctors orders, i might add), and got a call around lunch time today saying they've decided i'm not the right man for the job. I've been there almost 3 years, mind you and this is the first time i've needed time off for any reason.

i am going to pwn them for discrimination.
Late news just had a story about work choices and how the Chilli's restaurant at Woolongong is being investigated for making staff pay for cunts who do a runner and only paying staff when there's enough customers etc.

Reminded me of this thread. I guess it's the same store.

my mate just got sacked for the same thing as me. Different company though. He had that flu that's been going around... took a week off (with a medical certificate) and when he came back they asked for his resignation.

apparently at Iprimus, if you take time off.. the doctor's certificate has be dated from the first day you had off. So, for example if you're supposed to work on a sunday but you're sick, you have to find a doctor's office that's open and spend all day sitting in the waiting room if that's what it takes. If you decide to just take it easy and try to get an appointment for the monday or tuesday if you're still feeling sick, that's unacceptable.
Late news just had a story about work choices and how the Chilli's restaurant at Woolongong is being investigated for making staff pay for cunts who do a runner and only paying staff when there's enough customers etc.

Reminded me of this thread. I guess it's the same store.

Um, yes it is. Sounds like they were running an old story.