World Cup so far....

England played shite. Really boring game.

I loved watching the Trinidad match. I know nothing of thier team or anything yet I'm totally rooting for them due to Edguy's namesake song :D I had the lyrics going around and around in my head... hehe. Pitty they went down to ten men, might have pushed a win with 11!
England played well in the first half, but in the second, the tactics were all wrong and poor Crouch on his own up front was never going to work.

I've watched every match so far I think, particularly enjoyed Sweden v Trinidad.
I've been too busy with exams to see many of them...but of the ones I have seen:

Germany v Costa Rica - Germany's defence was awful in the first half, although they were always going to win it, unfortunately. Looked like Costa Rica tried to play more of a passing game in the second half, which was never going to work. They should have played on the break - that's where their strength is and would have given Germany a run for their money. I was rooting for Costa Rica, as a close friend of mine is German :D

Ecuador v Poland - enjoyed this, though can remember suprisingly little!!

England v Paraguay - watched this on the internet at work with a bad picture and no sound...but it didn't look like England played very convincingly. Good job they got the 3 points though!!

Argentina v Ivory Coast - wanted the Ivorians to win, and I thought Argentina were lucky. First half Ivory Coast were better, had more chances and should have scored. As the tv said, IC were just slightly weaker in the last 20 yards...they couldn't finish against some good defending. Second half was more level. Highly enjoyable game.
Pity about Ivory Coast...they should have got a point if not more against the Netherlands.
Yeah, the only team I fear England coming up against is Argentina. They look fantastic, even though I hate to say it.

England will improve but how much is anyones guess.

I've also been impressed by Holland and Ivory Coast. Shame only one of them could go through to the next round. The Czech Republic could do well too. Excellent victory over USA. Will be interested to watch them again this weekend.

However, so far Brazil, France and Portugal have all looked poor, although I'm sure that will change soon.
England will improve and I look forward to playing more respected teams because I think thats where they will shine. To me, they appear to be going into the matches over-confident and trying to play fancy football and are not respecting the opposition because in theory they should thrash them. The team's they've played so far have been very defensive and made it difficult for England to create chances. When they play better teams, there will be more respect and the opposition will be trying to win the game as much as England.
czech republic were poor today against a very spirited ghana side who easily deserved the win

brazil might be upset tomorrow if they play against the aussies like they played against the croatians
I'm pretty sure the Aussies will be joining Brazil in the second round. I see no threat from Croatia at all. Australia look far better organised and way better going forward. Guess it all comes down to performance on the day but I'm sure they'll make it through.

Ukraine looked like a totally different team today. I hope those guys make it through as well.
Heard the Italy-Aus game was a bit of a shambles with regard to refereeing...will have to watch the highlights tonight to see for myself.
Netherlands-Portugal game was awful on that count as well...although now Portugal have lost Deco for the England match!!