World Cup so far....

I'm still feeling sorry for Ferdinand! That was a heart-wreching shot at the end of the match :oops:
Despite all the hard fellings only once or twice in that game did england actually pull it together for a decent attack, most of that comming from Lennon. TBH, England didn't deserve to win, and played defensivly most of the game, with Gary in the commentators box saying he actually wanted it to go to penalties...What a dumb thing to say, I seem to remember England being pretty bad at them in the past. Still if they had clinched a goal in the 2 hours of game time they had, it wouldn't have gone to penalties... and did that Portugese keep have some jammy luck or what! Still penalties is not a nice way for anyone to lose a game on.

If you had gotten through to the next round, you'd have practically been playing a B-team, with Terry and Rooney off for cards, and Beckham and Owen out for damaged legs.

Did anyone else see Ronaldo winking to a teammate after he got Rooney sent off? :lol:
Tonberry said:
Despite all the hard fellings only once or twice in that game did england actually pull it together for a decent attack, most of that comming from Lennon. TBH, England didn't deserve to win, and played defensivly most of the game, with Gary in the commentators box saying he actually wanted it to go to penalties...What a dumb thing to say, I seem to remember England being pretty bad at them in the past. Still if they had clinched a goal in the 2 hours of game time they had, it wouldn't have gone to penalties... and did that Portugese keep have some jammy luck or what! Still penalties is not a nice way for anyone to lose a game on.

If you had gotten through to the next round, you'd have practically been playing a B-team, with Terry and Rooney off for cards, and Beckham and Owen out for damaged legs.

Did anyone else see Ronaldo winking to a teammate after he got Rooney sent off? :lol:

Yeah I did. Little shit. Having said that, I have no sympathy for Rooney. What he did was disgusting and fully deserved a red card. I'm now supportin Germany. How about you guys?
I'm supporting Italy now. They were my second team from the start and they've been pretty good so far.

However, if Germany beat them then I'll cheer them on in the final instead. I do hope France beat Portugal though, and to be fair they have hit form now and deserve to do well. Portugal however did not go through by playing well. I thought even with ten men we created more than they did.

Anyway....Italy for the cup!!:headbang:
TemplarOfSteel said:
Yeah I did. Little shit. Having said that, I have no sympathy for Rooney. What he did was disgusting and fully deserved a red card. I'm now supportin Germany. How about you guys?

To be honest, looking at those replays I couldn't see anything that looked like a red card-worthy stamp, and I can't say I blame him for shoving Ronaldo.

Wierd how I only started taking an interest in the tournament at the 80 minute mark of that game. I was on the edge of my seat during the penalties, gutted when we lost but I think that was dampened by that "I've been here before feeling". I still have nasty memories of Gareth Southgate in Euro '96 :cry:
agree with ayeka, couldn't see anything wrong with rooney's 'stamp' and i'm not that great a fan of the bloke himself

again we didn't play well enough with the players at our disposal

not sure who i want to win the thing now as:
portugal - filthy cheats
italy - don't like playing style and also cheats
france - so disappointed as a gooner to see henry's feign head contact against spain, it's something i never thought i'd see him do as he has a record of trying to stay on his feer
germany - old enemy, can't comment on scenes after argentina game cos i missed them
*stolen from another forum*

Ronaldo apologising to Rooney

I think I'm rooting for a France v Italy final now, with Italy to win it. Lesser of the evils!!

I know the ref said it was the stamp he sent Ronney off for...but he didn't look at all like he was going to even give him a card until the push. I'm guessing the stamp is just some lame excuse for...well I don't know what for!! I really don't understand...