World Cup!!

Ii've heard that Spain's really strong and might win the cup among Argentine.
Well England... But fuck, don't talk to me about yesterday.

brb looking for the gifs.




What, 2 NL vs. 1 GER? Gotta team up with Snowy here ;) Although I've been betting on Brazil in our bet@work.
Let's hope the Aussies gonna get beaten the shit out of them tonight :rofl:
At work my boss actually arranged digital tv so we can watch the game tomorrow on a beamerscreen :p

So tomorrow in the afternoon my company is not reachable :rofl:

What, 2 NL vs. 1 GER? Gotta team up with Snowy here ;) Although I've been betting on Brazil in our bet@work.
Let's hope the Aussies gonna get beaten the shit out of them tonight :rofl:

3 NL :mad: or I should at least count as half. :p

lol@leandro - my brother tells me everyone in the Caribbean is cheering Brazil, he's not sure if he should go with it, or just cheer for NL on his own, seeing as he himself is about 5% of the Caucasian population on the island :p

His flight was delayed because of the game yesterday :p