Worship Music - 3 months on


Dec 16, 2002
So now WM has been in our digestive systems for 3 months, I'm keen to know fellow fans opinions on the record and how it sits among your fave Thrax records, fave songs, least fave songs, etc etc.

For me, I really love the record overall.......and would probably rank it really quite highly amongst the Anthrax catalogue. I'd have it 4th, after ATL, POT, and SoWN. Really enjoy the diversity of the tunes overall, but would love 1 maybe 2 more thrashers like Earth on Hell instead of the mid paced tunes.

4 fave tracks: Earth on Hell, Fight Em, In the End, The Giant.

Least Fave: Crawl (still like it a lot though)

Song I wasn't impressed by initially but now love: The Devil You Know

Fave lead from Rob: Fight Em or TDYK

Record MVP: Joey & Rob tied

There we have it. Anyone else - feel free to add stuff. I'm just still so pumped we even got to ever hear this record after all the years of crap, and don't read much on here about the record only a few months on. I guess the record still excites me, hence this post. Can't wait to hear what comes next for the guys.

Still loving the record. I think it's one of their very best records. And in my humble and personal opinion, I think it's a tie for the no. 1 spot between Worship and POT. (No need for anyone to go bonkers over this statement though...I know that a lot of you disagree which is fine).

I like all the tunes on the record. My least favourites are probably Judas Priest and I'm Alive. It's a killer record overall, though.

Still hugely impressed by Joey's performance. For him to come in there after all the bullshit that's been going on and totally nail it is admirable to say the least.

And Rob? Having to leave during the 2005 reunion, back in the fold after the reunion went tits up, sticking with the band through all the drama, nailing the leads, handling production. Arguably, this record would never have seen the light of day had it not been for Rob.

And the other lads have written some mighty fine tunes, I have to admit.
i love it,i have it pumping in car stereo everyday,have to say the constant is 1 of my fave tracks by far although i love tdyk and earth on hell,crawl still rocks it fore me,what are the chances of them playing the constant live,that song is so fucking heavy
After listening to it a zillion times here is where I rank it with the rest of their albums:

1. Among The Living
2. Persistence of Time
3. Spreading The Disease
4. State of Euphoria
5. Sound of White Noise
6. Worship Music
7. We've Come for You All
8. Stomp 442
9. Volume 8

Worship music is my least favorite Joey era album but that doesn't mean I don't like it. Just prefer the heavier more aggressive version of Anthrax. It's definitely better than the past 3 Anthrax albums
Fave tracks: The Devil You Know, Crawl, Judas Priest, Revolution Screams
Least favorite: The Constant
Favourite lead: Judas Priest, Crawl
The strongest thing: guitar leads
The weakest thing: vocals

Overall feeling: same as 3 months ago. I sometimes listen to it, it's a good record but I'm not very fond of the vocals which make it sound like a Nevermore or Iced Earth record.
It's slowly taken over as my favorite Anthrax album, which used to be Spreading The Disease. The WM songs are incredible live, I hope they do some fresh ones on the second leg. Favorite tracks are Earth On Hell, Fight 'Em, In The End, and Crawl. Least favorite is either Judas Priest or Revolution Screams (Both are still killer though!)
Fave tracks: The Devil You Know, Crawl, Judas Priest, Revolution Screams
Least favorite: The Constant
Favourite lead: Judas Priest, Crawl
The strongest thing: guitar leads
The weakest thing: vocals

Overall feeling: same as 3 months ago. I sometimes listen to it, it's a good record but I'm not very fond of the vocals which make it sound like a Nevermore or Iced Earth record.

It's interesting how people hear things differently. Seriously!
There's probably nothing I dislike more than opera metal along the lines of Nevermore (well... apart from AOR country & western). Yet, when I listen to WM I don't really feel that Joey's vocal performance is close the pompous, vibrato-filled schmaltz of the bands that you mention.

I respect your opinion, and all. It just that when I listen to WM I can't hear the things that you hear, yet it appears that I have the same sentiments regarding vibrato metal as you.

I find it a bit strange and pretty great at the same time!
I feel it's the best metal album released this year. I can't say it's my favorite Anthrax album, but it's a really great one. I hope we get another album at some point.
I was all caught up in the hype. I honestly don't really like most of it.. I kept hearing how it was their best album yet and I almost bought into it. I think I even told someone thatit was at one point. It starts off awesome. I love Earth on Hell and Devil You know.. Fight Em stands up with any Anthrax classic in my opinion. After that it all falls apart.. I find the rest to be pretty generic, boring radio rock. Pretty much sounds like the Bushthrax era with I was not a fan of. I was hoping they were going to somewhat return to their thrash roots but it didn't happen. Instead it sounds like Bushthrax with Joey singing.. I am glad Joey is back and he sounded great. The tour has been a success and they put on an outstanding show but I will be reluctant before I spend any money on the next abum if there is one.
Fave tracks: The Devil You Know, Crawl, Judas Priest, Revolution Screams
Least favorite: The Constant
Favourite lead: Judas Priest, Crawl
The strongest thing: guitar leads
The weakest thing: vocals

Overall feeling: same as 3 months ago. I sometimes listen to it, it's a good record but I'm not very fond of the vocals which make it sound like a Nevermore or Iced Earth record.

You are an idiot and so transparent its funny. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
I still like it, it's just that I'm a bit sick of it and am ready for new one already. I guess I listened to it too damn much. I've given the album a break ever since the shows I saw them at with Testament in October. It's my least favorite album with Joey, but still better than SOWN and the rest of the Bush bombs.
My admiration for it has only grown since I first listened to it.

My only complaint ... I feel the album ends too quickly! Crazy given it's around the 60 min mark.

Whilst I love Earth on Hell I have to admit it comes up very 2nd best to other album openers - that's not saying it's crap but merely an observation. It just doesn't have the same epic intro as perhaps some of their other opening songs.

The Devil You know, In the End and The Constant are probably my favourite tunes.

Least favourite is Judas Priest yet I still enjoy it a lot!
But I can't say there is a bad song on the album.

I rank it (now) around the upper tier of Anthrax albums but still think POT and SOWN are the best.

One thing is for sure - this is Joey's best album singing wise. Hands down.
4 fave tracks: Earth on Hell, Fight Em, In the End, The Giant.

I'm Alive, Earth On Hell, Revolution Screams, The Giant

Least Fave: Crawl (still like it a lot though)

The Devil You Know - just because I'm a bit fed up of hearing it all the time on Finnish radio. Which is a good thing.

Song I wasn't impressed by initially but now love: The Devil You Know

In The End. I got caught in the hype and was disappointed at first.

Fave lead from Rob: Fight Em or TDYK

I'm Alive by far.

Record MVP: Joey & Rob tied


Overally I think it's a great album, easily the best this year and one of Anthrax's best, and I still listen to it constantly.