WORST film you've ever seen??

Hmm either Heman: Masters of the Universe, or the Final Fantasy movie, oh god how those two sucked...

At least the Final Fantasy movie was well made, the Heman movie just plain sucked, not that I had expected anything else :p
What?!? Masters Of The Universe ruled!!!! Loved that film! Worst films i've seen as far as I can remember would be Wild Wild West and Jeepers Creepers. Two films I can testify to being hours of your life truly and utterly wasted.
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haha nothing beats "Terror Moon" :D
such a lousy moive i had to struggle not to turn it off and throw is as far as i could. the best part in the film is when the the monster (which was i fossile who a bunch of miners found on some planet and drilled into and awoke it and it's wrath :lol: ) picks up one of these miners and throws him, and when the miner hits the "ground" you can acutually see how the rock-floor gives way and how he sinks into it :lol:
if you see it in a video-store you must rent it :)
Some of you need to try watching some TRUELY bad movies. I like low budget horror but 80% are crap. If you want to see a really bad film then rent out "Kill me tomorrow". You have to see it to believe it.

Jeeper Creepers was pretty cool but got a bit silly near the end.
Black Rage (low budget, expected to be bad)
Plan 9 From Outerspace (good campy fun)
Spiderman (positively HORRID)

I enjoy watching Plan 9 though, but I still have yet to watch it all in one sitting.
Originally posted by SlaughterofSoul
Manos:The Hands Of Fate

But mainstream movie:A Nightmare Before Christmas. It sucked. *waits for the flaming*

bah, you should get litteraly flamed for beeing so blasphemous :mad:

that movie is truly wonderful, what didn't you like about it?
I hated everything about it. I saw it when it first came out(I was about 9 or 10), and I just recently saw it. Hated it both times. I mean, it's Tim Burton, but I just don't like it.
AI (aka pinocchio 2001)

Road To Perdition ( fuck im surprised i sat through this without falling asleep.) complete shit, im not even sure if it should be called a gangster film, its the kind of film my mum would like. i just felt sick by the end. sick and shocked at how a film could be so bad, yet get such good reviews. (oh yeah, money makes good reviews...cough bribe cough)
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Freddy Got Fingered, even though I liked the "Daddy would you like some sausage?" part
Fast and the Furious
Uncle Sam, which I enjoyed the living hell out of due to it's crappy nature
Austin Powers Goldmember
Animal Room (with Doogie Houser, M.D. and Matthew Lillard...whoa!)
Vertical Limit

I'm a fan of B-movies, but I hate bad movies that are advertised as being good or movies that look great and turn out to be total crap.
Originally posted by tara
Freddy Got Fingered, even though I liked the "Daddy would you like some sausage?" part
Fast and the Furious
Uncle Sam, which I enjoyed the living hell out of due to it's crappy nature
Austin Powers Goldmember
Animal Room (with Doogie Houser, M.D. and Matthew Lillard...whoa!)
Vertical Limit

I'm a fan of B-movies, but I hate bad movies that are advertised as being good or movies that look great and turn out to be total crap.

Yeah Waterworld and Vertical Limit sucked too...the others I havent seen, and I guess I wont see them either since it seemes you have a good taste in movies ;)