WORST film you've ever seen??

cant believe anyone hasnt mentioned hackers yet! :P and this really crap movie with the oslen twins(what was i thinking?!) and the grumpy old men movies and uumm... im having a total mental block about others!
Originally posted by Yara
"The Blair Witch Project" is one of the worst films I've ever seen. I expected so much, because everyone seems to like it, but it only bored me.
I kind of agree with you. I don't really know if I expected that much, as some said it was cool (and some said it was superb) and some said it was the worst piece of crap they had ever seen!! I think the last 10 seconds were spooky, but that wasn't enough for me to like it. All in all a terrible film IMO!
Children of the Living Dead was the worst movie I had ever seen.

I saw a rough cut of it in 2000, and then when I saw the DVD there was no improvements made to it. Everytime you would see Tom Savini, you would hear him talking but his lips weren't moving....and practically the whole movie's dialogue echoed and the effects were comical. Hell, I could have made a better looking zombie movie then that.
Originally posted by blue heartache
crouching tiger hidden drogen terribly bored
I think it was a great movie, but that's of course just my opinion! I must admit that if it hadn't had the ending it did it would probably be just another movie where I would have said "Nah, nothing special", as it got a little boring. The first fight was exciting, but then the rest of the fights were just the same; when you'd seen one, you'd seen them all. When they had the last fight, I thought "Nah, so they just need to have a fight here also?". There wasn't really anything surprising about the ending, but it saved the entire film IMO. As I said a great film (and probably among the best "great" films that I've seen that wasn't superb).
Worst movies I've seen?

These are some that come to mind:

Unbreakable- Fucking boring
Queen Of The Damned- They totally fucked it in the first ten minutes.
The Talented Mr. Ripley- Fucking Boring
Faust- Just plain crap
Judge Dredd- Stallone as Dredd? That was a great idea??
Musicals- I can't stand musicals
American Psycho- It shouldn't have been made without Brett at the Helm.
Woody Allen movies- Fucked
Hellraiser Inferno- Pinhead getting all moralistic on our ass? How did Barker allow this to happen??
Movies with talking animals- Not good. The only exception being Cats And Dogs. That was kool.
The Haunting- Sucked

There is alot more but these are the ones that come to my mind at the present time.
Signs... The only movie I've come close to walking out on

Hotel... Totally unwatchable

Jeepers Creepers... The saviour of horror films? yeah right....toss

just about every modern horror movie, the people responsible for Ghost ship
The haunting
The house on haunted hill....need to be torn asunder.....