WORST film you've ever seen??

I saw Cannibal! The Musical! on DVD. It was really funny and entertaining. Kudos to Trey Parker!
The new "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". Holy shite it fucking blew! Worst acting I've seen in years. I would say this movie is not a rental or a theatre ticket... its a borrow film from someone if you are just curious to compare or watch. It fucking sucked.
Bad Boys II. Don't ask why I bothered, just accept that its ridiculously awful. I've never seen so many fast moving camera shots in the middle of a two person dialogue. Although that might have been to take your mind off the idiocy of that dialogue.
The Geek, no question. Most Troma is pretty shitty, too. (Barbarian Nymphoid in Dinosaur Hell and Zombie Rednecks are particular shitfests).

For films I've seen at the cinema, has to be Armaggedon - so bad my mate threw his supersize popcorn over a stranger and left.
'The Tape' - Was so incredibly bad i failed to finish watching it. Shame on blockbuster for allowing me to spend £2.75 of my hard earned cash loaning out a film in which 3 actors sit in a room discussing high school. It didn't even have credits or a storyline. If i wanted to watch people having a conversation then i would have gone to a cafe or somewhere public, chances are the conversation would have been more riveting.
Blank Check, but I did kind of like Richy Rich. The new Texas Chainsaw Massacre kicked ass. The gore alone was enough to make this movie a classic
Wosrt film I have ever seen was just under a week ago on holiday. It was this Japanese film we found in the cabins we were staying. It had no storyline, just random shots of Japanese letters, a Well, this woman combing her hair and these weirdass people crawling around. Thank God someone gave us a prankphone call afterwards to take my mind off that piece of shit.
I can't believe some of the choice here.
Magnolia?!Spiderman!?!You people truly are evil fuckers.
I'll go with Zombie Creeping Flesh, Species II, Goldmember, Island of Death (though at least that had a grown man fucking a goat).
DawnOfTheDead said:
Wosrt film I have ever seen was just under a week ago on holiday. It was this Japanese film we found in the cabins we were staying. It had no storyline, just random shots of Japanese letters, a Well, this woman combing her hair and these weirdass people crawling around. Thank God someone gave us a prankphone call afterwards to take my mind off that piece of shit.

That deserves a round of applause.
Cutting Class, it had Brad Pitt. Cheesiest movie ever. Horrible plot, crap acting, and you could see the actual stagehands in the background. Funny, in a pathetic sort of way.

It's an embarassment. I thought Cradle of Fear was bad but this. I though it might have been tongue in cheek humour aka Garth Morenghi's Dark Place series but no -the inteviews proved it wasn't. And Eileen Daly is more vaccuous than the character, and that's saying something. The biggest part of the small budget went on her outfits I think.
Dam it, I was hoping for an underated classic but it's actually shameful for the UK film industry.
I had to watch this movie in class called 'Gerry'. It was the absolute worst movie I have ever seen. It was excruciatingly böring. The "plot" was shit, the dialog was shit, the acting was shit, the director attempted to be "artsy" [with the lighting and camera angles], but that was shit ... The entire movie was shit. I almost wanted to start crying because it was so awful.