WORST film you've ever seen??

I notice the majority of these films listed are quite mainstream. The worst film ever made IS Mr Icecream Man. It really is. Take your worst film ever then imagine one 10 times worse. Then think of something even worse then a bit worse. Mr Icecream man will still be so far down the scale still you won't be able to see it and you'd need a number past minus infinity to rate this film.

http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=406 this shows how bad the film is, its worth watching because its SO bad its funny and also you will appreciate life more.
Anyone who names "Se7en", "Matrix" or "Titanic" as the worst movies they`ve ever seen, can`t really have seen a lot of movies. At least all three of these have over-average or even decent acting, lavish production and plots that are not TOTALLY stupid. Either that, or you have been consumed by the spirit of iMDB, where you give movies a 10 if you like them or a 1 if you don`t like them. In reality, VERY few movies deserve a 1 or a 10, so giving them out in measures seem a bit stupid to me (this is directed at Board, whom I happen to agree with for the most part, but not at all in this thread). Now, for my votes:

The Art of Dying (Spanish "horror". INCREDIBLY bad, INSANELY boring)
Phantom of de Louvre (French "horror". VERY bad, INCREDIBLY boring)
High Explosive (Canadian low-budget "action". Tragic waste of time)
Battlefield Earth (no introduction needed).

Three out of four of these were watched on Canal+...
the Final Fantasy movie


A Nightmare Before Christmas


The Matrix






Road To Perdition

I agree, pile of pointless crap

The Mummy

Aww that film tried soooo hard

Blair Witch Project, The (1999)


Desperado (1995)


From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)


Fargo (1996)


Reservoir Dogs (1992)


Se7en (1995)


two towers


Royal Tenebaums


...anything with Nicolas Cage


I remember Blade as a pretty crappy movie too, actually.


Queen Of The Damned

Worst film ever


Harry Potter




Anything with the name "Batman" in it




my worst would be windtalkers, queen of the damned... too many to bother going into
Ohhh so much crap, so little time...

some of the most atrocious I've seen

Most Stephen King based movies (except for the Shining)
The Time Bandits (You'd be surprised at how bad a movie about time travelling midgets who steal things can be)
Signs (Why did people like this?)
The Blair Witch Project (see above)
Queen of the Damned (Yet again)
Species 2 (What a horrible disappointment)
The Killer Condom was pretty bad too...but if you like Troma Movies you'll probably like this one too

Too many to list
Fellowship of the Ring is the WORST movie you`ve ever seen? What, have you seen like 10 movies in your entire lifetime?
Well maybe not the worst but I was soooooooooooo [...] ooooooooooooo disappointed that it makes it even worse than it was.
And no I've seen more than 10
Sure, disappointed you could`ve been, but the movie had good acting (okay, Liv sucked), good sfx and audio. The execution of the story might be argued upon, but the films technical quality is indisputable and naming it the worst movie you`ve ever seen either means you`re stupid or haven`t seen a lot of movies.
I don't like movies to begin with, i watch one every two months if not less.

And i hated the story, which ruined all the other good points in the movie.