WORST film you've ever seen??

Wild Wild West
Island of Dr Moreau
Matrix Reloaded (sorry fanboys, 1st Matrix is way cool though)
Blair Witch 1 & 2
He Man is def a shocker.
Event Horizon

Have seen too many to name off the top of my head.
For an infinity of reasons:

Starship Trooper
The Missing
Superman (all of them)
Tomb Raider (that's so bad that actually is good)
Howling V: New Moon Rising
The Screaming Skull
i like starship troopers

but traffic really is the worst movie ive ever seen. they made it sound like it was gonna be cool like blow but no, its just long winded and boring and nothing fucking happens except the charactors talk to each other. this is a great movie if your trying to go to sleep...its every bit as good at putting me to sleep as the bible
The blair witch project was awful, I remember counting the holes in the ceiling tiles. It was a good idea however, just an atrocious movie. League of Extraordinary Gentleman was awful, so was Congo, and spiderman. The worst of all, is the hollywood movie that attempts that hollywood brand of heavyhanded moralism. The Life of David Gale is an excellent example of this tripe.
Not another teen movie, Cannibal ferox, Undead,Satan's School for Girls, mortal kombat 2, Alien 4,The passion of the christ and the mask of Zorro(Thank the gods for Catherine Zeta-Jones).
.. I can't remember the name of the movie.. but it's with the guy that immitates Bruce Lee and Kung Fu movies.. but it's like a slapstick comedy.. It came out not too long ago.. maybe a few years back.. i think he fights a kangaroo in it.. that has to be the worst movie i've ever seen.