Worst Names Of Bands?

Strapping Young Lad
Cattle Decapitation
Spocks Beard
Pretty Maids
The Dukes Of Nothing
Peter Pan Speedrock
Iron Monkey

all I can think of for now, there's tons though.
Actually there was one Progpower where I was sitting with friends and we were all sort of mocking the names of bands that wind up on the notorious "Metal Fests" in Milwaukee and Jersey.

So we started coming up with our own goofy names, which where anything we could think of. Then our guy friend said "Sphincter's Revenge" and we just about fell out of our seats.

It blows your mind, really do the members of Anal Cunt think they are gonna score big with that one? It's ridiculous.
Thanks to the local Chicago scene, I've seen some wonderful names on many a marquee. Insane Killer Penguins, Herbal Jazz Cigarettes, and (my personal favorite) KK and the Flying Hamsters of Doom immediately come to mind. I can't say that I would put this last one on the list, but I thought I would post it here for everyone's amusement: The Cosby Sweaters! How great is that?

Stay metal. Never rust.
dumb names?

imo most death/black metal bands, and most rap artists. i'm not impressed by names that are (in the former) trying desperately to be as brutal and sadistic as possible nor (the latter) as metalrose said, mispelled on purpose to be cool.

of note, i think Evidence One is a pretty bad name, though i love the band.

edit-gotta add:
Happy The Man (wtf?_)
Flower Kings
Royal Hunt

again, this has nothing to do with their music (most of which i'm into) but with the name itself.
Dumpster Juice and The Armegeddon Dildos come immediately to mind.

Seems like the trend over the past decade is that if you can't play anything but crap, you can always draw attention to yourself by coming up with a more stupid name than someone came up with yesterday. Fortunately, this is more of a grunge genre phenomena. Unfortunately Black Metal is probably worse with all the pathetic costumes they create to get noticed. :Puke:
Crippler Cross Face... I mean, its bad enough to name your band after another band's song or album (especially if you are cloning their style, see: Freedom Call), but to name yourself after a professional wrestlers finishing move is just retarded...
I am personally fond of names like Pig Destroyer, Bathtub Shitter, Cock & Ball Torture, etc. They evoke very dramatic images. Something about Sandpaper Dildo seems unimaginative though.

I have a project (still in demo stages) called Puppie Kittens. It's complete grind/noise. How stupid is that?!?