Worst singer that actually sings?

Originally posted by Elysian Blaze
You're all wrong. To listen to the singer from Bright Eyes. It's almost like he's singing along to a song we can't hear. God awful stuff, I say.


His voice totally fits the music..very emotional and unique, maybe not the most technically proficient vocalist out there but he really doesn't have to be.

As for bad vocalists..hmm.....I'd take growling anyday over those high-pitched powermetal vocalists.
Originally posted by SoundMaster
From the looks of it, he's saying that it's too bad for you!
Your loss!! :D

~ No kidding? I thought it was clear in my answer that I already guessed correctly.

Not my loss. Plant sucks.

LZ = Chick band.
LZ = Chick band.

Okey. I respect that you're honest and everything.

Oh how could a man like you like The Chick Band?
I mean Plant can't even growl like a real man is supposed to do...And man his lyrics are only about women and not about hate and death. They only did it for the chicks.

I told my friend Wayne that I'd go to the In Flames show with with him if Anders promised not to sing clean. I never got the written promise but I think he agreed to the terms becuase there wasn't much clean singing in the set. I think he's realizing slowly that he cannot sing and shouldn't. Did an alright job on COlony, though.

Half the people to ever sing for Yngwie were rather atrocious.

I happen to be a fan of Katatonia's vocals, he doesn't need to hit high notes. It's not in his range and it's really not what the new sound of Katatonia requires or even has a place for. His mid and low are fine.

Listening to Alexi from CoB, god love him, try and sing clean is pretty painful, too (like on Northern Comfort when he attempts holding a note) but I adore Children of Bodom and am quite fond of his Yow-Yow-Fuck-Yow voice so I'll let it slide.
Now lets not forget Aaron Stainthorpe of My Dying Bride either, again we have a case where the music works but his goddamn clean vocals make me cringe everytime

I don't like his death growls too much, but his clean vocals are clearly some of the best things I can listen to, when in the right mood. Well, as always, we all have different taste.

Vocalists I cannot bear to listen to:

That Dream Theater guy, now that is ruining potentially great music, the same goes for Symphony X and other cool "tech" metal bands with such vocalists.

Vocalists who clearly can't sing but are enjoyable anyway:

In Flames, Rotting Christ.
Blaze Bailey (ex-Maiden), Joacim Cans (Hammerfag).
Blaze couldn't hit a note if his life depended on it. Cans thinks he's Kiske reborn, but he sounds like someone is putting his balls through a meat-grinder. He should change name to "Joacim Can't".
Sorry guys that I'm boring you but I'm new here. My question is: do you see my avatar or just a blank space???
holy shit

I personally think that jonus is the best singer ive heard, well along with mike and dan etc........he has a very emotional voice, and taht is somethign that i really appreicate in music.
ha, Fred Durst. I forgot about him...yes, his singing is horrendous. Not as bad as ANDERS' though. Fernando from Moonspell really IS awful, too...I bought "Irreligious" on a whim, and as soon as I started playing it, EVERYONE I was with started laughing their heads off the second the vocals came in on "Opium." They're so incredibly cheesy! They don't fit the music, either. Power Metal, on the other hand...the vocals fit the music like a glove, which is to say they're cheesy and as annoying as heck. Another singer that really could use some lessons was the guy from Fear Factory (was it BURTON C BELL or something?)...they were just pretty weak. Oh, in the not metal world, I think EMINEM'S singing was pretty terrible on "Hailey's Song" (or whatever it's called). I don't listen to rap, but I heard he tried singing and had to hear it. I guess at least he tried...
But, THE worst metal vocals in my opinion are the "sung" parts on Children Of Bodom's Hatebreeder. It sounds like a constipated, nordic James Hetfield. I haven't heard any of their other cds, so I don't know if they're a hatebreeder exclusive, but they are WRETCHED.
I don't agree with the complaining about James Labrie and Dani Filth. True, they're obnoxious, but they're definitely TALENTED. The most annoying really talented singer that I can think of in the metal world is the one from Symphony X...I really can't stand that guy. I think that the first song on "The Odyssey" (Free the Fire or something like that) sums up everything I hate about him the best out of all their songs.