worst song ever done by the LADS of NEVERMORE

i only have dhiadw, and the worst song on it imo would be dead heart in a dead world, parts of it are cool(the very end of it rules!) but like the transition from the clean to heavy section is pretty bad(plus i hate that heavy riff) and the chorus is subpar compared to the other songs on the album
How the seventh bloody plain of hell u don't like Love bites.
phuuuu... u got it all wrong dudes. WTF? these lads did exceptional job covering that. :bah: That is wrong with you ppl? Why do you listen to NVM at all? I heard the tune and was :hehing: cause of the heaviness and the spirit of NVM taking over this song.

I really can't tell a song that i consider worst. hmmm... gimme time... Sorry. Effort to think of a "worst song of NVM" has failed. Maybe the shortest one. Dunno. Hmmmm.... Sorry... I really tried...
Originally posted by artificialreasons
i only have dhiadw, and the worst song on it imo would be dead heart in a dead world, parts of it are cool(the very end of it rules!) but like the transition from the clean to heavy section is pretty bad(plus i hate that heavy riff) and the chorus is subpar compared to the other songs on the album

That's easily the best song on the CD. That part where it goes from the scratchy record sound into the song, it blows me away every time. The drumming is outstanding. Sure, I know everyone has different taste, you just really shocked me with that one.
Clean part, there is no clean bits with LOOMIS, listen again.

You want clean guitar , listen to SAMEAL
Originally posted by metalized
How the seventh bloody plain of hell u don't like Love bites.
phuuuu... u got it all wrong dudes. WTF? these lads did exceptional job covering that. :bah: That is wrong with you ppl? Why do you listen to NVM at all? I heard the tune and was :hehing: cause of the heaviness and the spirit of NVM taking over this song.

I really can't tell a song that i consider worst. hmmm... gimme time... Sorry. Effort to think of a "worst song of NVM" has failed. Maybe the shortest one. Dunno. Hmmmm.... Sorry... I really tried...

love bites is good, itjusthappens to be the worst. i don't actually think its not very good. if i said i did, then i don't know. its good, but the worst. the last half of it is excellent. the heavy part. quite good. just like s/t is nevermore's worst album, but damn it isn't bad, its fucking great!
Originally posted by Dreamlore Degenerate
I'm pretty sure that Love Bites is a cover. So its not like they actually wrote that terrible song.
Yep.It's from a little band called Judas Priest.They are nice,check them out.:rolleyes:

PS:that terrible song kicks some major ass.
id have to say the system is failing is the worst nevermore song. warrel said it himself that the song sucks
Originally posted by Chromatose
I don't think I could choose which one I thought was the worst, I like them all too much...

but... if I had to pick one, I'd say Beyond Within. The only reason being when DNB was first released, I got the album, started it up, heard Warrel's singing, and didn't think it was something I could get into, so it ended up sitting around collecting dust, lol, until ...

months later a friend borrowed the album, said how great it was, and told me to listen to No More Will. I was hooked from then on out... :)

Of course now I like Beyond Within, I think it was just a bad choice for the first nevermore song I'd ever heard ;)

Man, the EXACT same thing happened to me! Only difference is that instead of No More Will, it was DNB (the song) that got me listening to the album. I love all the songs on DNB now, my favs being All Play Dead and I Am The Dog.

Now regarding worst song, I would have to say Love Bites too. I love Judas Priest, but I really don't appreciate Nevermore's cover. Their cover of Sound Of Silence is stunning, but Love Bites seems a bit pointless and even annoying at times.
what the fuck...i know this seems very wierd but i can't find 1 nevermore song that i really dislike... and for some of you uneducated metal fans Love bites is a Priest cover, which i might add they did a great job on. Narcosysthesis has not one disgusting note in it and the intro sounds nothing like nu-metal...if it was Nu-Metal they would be fuckin playing the top e string and thats all, oh yeah and start out rapping. I know your only talking about the intro but the intro is perfect for the start of a amazing album such as Dead Heart. Ive said my peace.
True Light....dude i saw Nevermore in September of last year and they did a fuckin great job of beyond within so i dont know what the hell your talking about...That was the best concert i ever witnessed. And ive saw such concerts as , Danzig, Six Feet Under, Pantera, Savatage, Skid Row, Ozzy and others.
well - still its Godmoney I can´t get into ... I needed a year or so to get into PoE which was a great step for an old rocker like me but these two last songs on Nevermore ... whoa, I try! but it takes time