Worst vocal performances in a song

Better than Dave Mustaine, thats for damn sure. I'd say Anthrax as well. Not too fond of their vocals. Im not too fond of Annihilator's vocals. Flotsam and Jetsam have pretty meh to okay vocals.

I guess I should say a few instead. Thrash isnt a genre I'm far too developed in.
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only fagets consistently shit on and complain about Mustaines vocals. Shut the fuck up and enjoy one of the greatest metal bands of all time. I find it even more ridiculous that people who enjoy the abomination that is nu-metal and garbage tier black metal have the nerve to actually shit on his vocals ... what the fuck is this world coming to?

Thrash isnt a genre I'm far too developed in.

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only fagets consistently shit on and complain about Mustaines vocals. Shut the fuck up and enjoy one of the greatest metal bands of all time. I find it even more ridiculous that people who enjoy the abomination that is nu-metal and garbage tier black metal have the nerve to actually shit on his vocals ... what the fuck is this world coming to?


I'll give him credit for his riffwork on top of singing at the same time. That and he's the best mixed bag of rhythm and lead work.
I just find his vocals uber cheese at around Countdown to Extinction. Peace Sells through Rust in Peace were alright. But around Countdown is where I just feel it gets really grating.
Mustaine's vocals were great on the first two albums, full of spite, got a bit rough on SFSGSW but he attained a reasonably decent voice circa RIP through CW. After that it gets shittier though.
yes. but you probably wont like it if you didn't like Countdown.

I never had a problem with his vocals on any of his albums. They're a signature part of the bands sound. That being said "good vocals" are never the main thing i look for in my metal and are almost never a make or break for me.
All I care about is good riffs. I couldnt care less of vocals. Thats all subjective. Just because I dont like Mustaine's vocals doesnt mean I hate Megadeth or make it any less enjoyable. I like his lyrics, at least early on. He had a lot of great ideas and themes.
then show some respect boay, the man is a riff god and one of the cornerstones of metal. But yeah nothing he did comes anywhere near "worst vocal performance of all time" ... especially when we all enjoy "far worse" vocalist in some of the bands we love. To say otherwise just showcases some deep rooted hate for Mustaine kind of like that one guy here whos stepson looks a mini version of Dave.

Bullshit, tough guy. I'll spit on ya grave

Im about to go appalachian twink hunting ....
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Youthanasia is a lot more polished than CtE, and the Sweating Bullets-esque stupidity is mostly near the end of the album. It's not really a great album but it's probably his most listenable/unobjectable album after the first four. And there are some good melodies too.