Worst vocal performances in a song

I dont hate Atilla Csihar as a vocalist, but I find his vocals on Mayhem's material to be very underwhelming compared to Dead or Maniac.
This might be controversial but he's my favourite of all the Mayhem vocalists. Definitely an oddball and an acquired taste, his performance on Ordo Ad Chao is so menacing and I believe had Maniac or Dead done vocals for De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas it wouldn't sound anywhere near as cadaveric, though if either of them had a shot it was for sure Dead, as he proved on Live in Leipzig.
He does certainly add a very unique aspect to the band. I'm just not very convinced with Esoteric Warfare. And DMDS just sounds so odd with his croaking.

He's got this vampiric thing to him; or ghoulish. When I think of Mayhem I dont think of ghoulish. I just think of a psychopath or crazy murderer (like Maniac or Dead.)
Fuck, I'm comparing the version of "Freezing Moon" from the Projections of a Stained Mind compilation with Dead on vocals with Attila's version and it's just worlds apart. Attila's version is UNGODLY.

Attila just sounds like he's vomiting words. I dont mean that as a negative, but I still dont know how I feel about it. Coming back to Dead's vocals after so long I will admit, I'm very underwhelmed with his vocals now.

Guess that leaves it to either Maniac or Attila for better Mayhem vox*
100% agree with Attila. Dead's vocals at the time were really fucking killer, but when you compare them with modern black metal vocals, they're pretty fucking bland. There's no way you can say that about Attila's. He's a fucking madmen.
Peste Noire is just garbo in general.
No. It's not just really original, but also there are many quality riffs on Famine's songs. He managed to deliver a decadent, putrid, even medieval French atmosphere to black metal that no one have pull off successfully (not counting Ungfell, given they just copy pasted KPN's S/T album with other lyrics). Famine is not a singer per se, although he has definitely improved on the clean department. His shrieks are menacing as hell.

Man, Dave Mustaine is a fucking horrible singer. There's no song done by him with good vocals. At all.
Here in NZ we had this. I regret not seeing them live for a laugh:

(Spotify link)

I always thought One Minute Silence was the best of the nu/rap metal. I figure the Irish vocalist's accent would sound legit in actual hip-hop.

it fits in this thread, and it is ridiculous, but what I really love is vocals that aren't intentionally shit, like the Atrocity one in the OP. That shit, when the vocalist is 100% serious and into it, that shit is like blood to vampires for me. So, like a drink.
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Draiman's best vocal performance was on the albums Believe and Ten Thousand Fists. The Sickness album was fucking awful and everything after TTF was just meh at best, up until now which got WAY worse.
can't not have a followup to this post on this thread be:
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Here's one. It's TOTALLY tongue in cheek, largely a parody project, but the exaggerated bm grasps, the cheeeeesy fkng lyrics, the odd pitch on the chorus... lol

Love this album.
Aw, nothing for us today ??

Okay here's one.

Killer thrash tune n all. No problem. But let's be honest, it's hard not to crack at least half a smile or frown listening to that voice.
Ah, found it.

Towards the end. "Eggg rollllll". In at least a couple of places he's actually a bit off key lol (you had one job..).