Would it be better if drugs were legalized?

Should drugs be legalized

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 59.5%
  • No

    Votes: 30 40.5%

  • Total voters
I just have to say that I apologize to all of you abou some of the things I have said, I don't mean to be rude, I've got some head problems, multiple personalities.
With drugs legalized, there is no crime in it, and people are responsible for their own use with it. Fuck all those people who said "my cousin died of drugs, they should be illegal!" Thats like me saying "my friend died from heart disease, fatty food should be illegal"

I know I am repeating myself but more good than bad will happen with the legalization of drugs. And with no drinking age either imo.

gone? lol, naive.

before they had meth, here, gangs focused on weed (much lower return on equity). they don't need these things.

if both are made legal, they'll focus more heavily on chopping cars, stealing scrap metal, stealing copper wire from power lines (I shit you not), burglary, and other such sources of income.

The only reason I would, if the leader of a nation, keep drugs illegal, would be because I considered myself incapable of competently enforcing the laws, and wanted to simply 'give the gangs something to keep them quiet', so that they don't invest in these crimes people don't want, and instead just supply what service people should be allowed to enjoy.

With a step up in security this wouldn't happen. Although we don't seem to be able forsee stuff, we just wait for bad stuff to happen and adjust.
And with no drinking age either imo.


yep lets yet a bunch ten year olds drink. underage drinking is already a problem as it is. imagine if it was legal how many more high school kids would do it, and then there would be more drinking and driving. In europe it isnt as much of a problem but in the united states drinking age is necessary, possibly just out of a lot of our own stupidity.
yep lets yet a bunch ten year olds drink. underage drinking is already a problem as it is. imagine if it was legal how many more high school kids would do it, and then there would be more drinking and driving. In europe it isnt as much of a problem but in the united states drinking age is necessary, possibly just out of a lot of our own stupidity.

I'd suggest it's worth asking the question of why such a culture arises - is the law a response to it or a cause? :)
I'd suggest it's worth asking the question of why such a culture arises - is the law a response to it or a cause? :)

I dont recall the statistics that raised our drinking age back to 21 from 18, it was around the same time as they started cracking down on DWI. I was one of the "lucky" that could drink starting at 18 but I really dont recall if my age group started having a higher number of alcohol related driving accidents. There certainly was alot of drunk nonsence going on, many of us feel lucky to be alive. Drinking publically has certainly taken a huge dive since all these crack downs.

Myself I think it would be great to have children running around drunk and be able to watch people shoot up any ol where, what a wonderful place this world would be.... so cool !

I cant speak for other countries but here in the US there is a very large social or nearly cultural pressure to be drunk. This area I moved to, it nearly seemed a way in which people measured their hormonal capabilities, if you get my drift. There was also a higher level of drug culture, it all seemed so shallow to me, But yeah, it would be great to compound that and give everyone incentive to be that way... oh what a wonderful world it would be.....
Myself I think it would be great to have children running around drunk and be able to watch people shoot up any ol where, what a wonderful place this world would be.... so cool !

Once the 'tards wipe themselves out and those that are left develop a sense of personal responsibility (for the way their life turns out) and competence in decision making, shit yeah.
Idiots do idiotic things, like use such things in excess. In the natural world, it is not uncommon for idiots to be culled via natural selection; things will improve substantially once they do so vis-a-vis Blowtus.

Heck, if I were in charge, I would implement an IQ-based tax regime; those one standard deviation south of the norm would be unable to support families :lol:
There are so many things true natural selection would free us of and loss of natural selection was indeed a great loss, its what allowed the physically inept to dominate the world and push it to the boggling state of chaos it currently is at.

As for tards, we have plenty of them in all faces and masks... as is apparent
I personally think all drugs that cause the user to become dependent on the drugs should be outlawed (this would include cigarettes), and any that do not have a dependency should be legal. My understanding is that this includes marijuana, mushrooms, and maybe cocaine(I've heard that although cocaine itself doesn't make you dependent, it had negative symptoms that can only be mitigated by taking other more severe drugs).
I agree with some illegal drugs being legalized. The main one being marijuana. Medicinally, this drug is much safer than any legal painkillers, sedatives such as valium and xanax. You cannot overdose on pot and it creates maximum pain relief for those who require medications for that purpose. it also doesn't cause respiratory depression and stimulates appetites for those who are stricken with cancer or any other disease that depresses appetite. The painkillers I mentioned before are more poison(vicodin,percocet,morphine,etc.)and will kill you if taken too many.They also may contain substances(i.e.Tylenol)if you ta..ke too many, can destroy your liver. They really don't work too well for severe pain. Our goverment is pretty close-minded to these facts and because it is a taboo drug, it may take a while for it to become legalized. Information needs to be spread to open peoples eyes. Knowledge truly is power.

The only medical benefits are treatment of cataracts and paint killer. However, this is so NOT a healthier way of treating these two problems.

1. People who smoke cigarettes and pot are 4 times more likely to develop cancer and lung diseases like emphysema than those who don't (this applies to people who smoke pot).

2. Marijuana has been linked to actually worsening depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and psychosis, this is especially true in those with a predisposition for it.

3. There are pain killers that you can't become dependent on, that are way healthier for you than using pot.

"Medical uses" is a bullshit excuse people use to try and justify making it legal. They'll start abusing it just like they do Xanex and darbicets (or any other painkiller you can think of).

That's my opinion. Also, if you want, I can cite the references where I got this information.
As per my thoughts on whether or not they should be legal, I say no.

I also think alcohol should be illegal.

Substances that you can get "fucked up" on should be automatically illegal, regardless of any "health benefit" it may have "when used in moderation."

I'm still out on certain stimulants like caffeine and nicotine. My reasons aren't based on health concerns, but a long, drawn out complicated philosophy I'm not going to go into in this thread. However, other stimulants like methamphetamines should definitely stay illegal.

*EDIT: My reasons are based on the cognitive effects, and what habitual use does to cognition, not on physical health reasons.
I personally think all drugs that cause the user to become dependent on the drugs should be outlawed (this would include cigarettes), and any that do not have a dependency should be legal. My understanding is that this includes marijuana, mushrooms, and maybe cocaine(I've heard that although cocaine itself doesn't make you dependent, it had negative symptoms that can only be mitigated by taking other more severe drugs).

Actually, cocaine has a high dependency rate.

Also, do psychological dependencies count, because if that be the case, marijuana is still psychologically addictive. You try to get a pothead to quit smoking marijuana for two weeks - they'll be in pain. "OMG I wanna smoke so bad..."
I personally think all drugs that cause the user to become dependent on the drugs should be outlawed (this would include cigarettes), and any that do not have a dependency should be legal. My understanding is that this includes marijuana, mushrooms, and maybe cocaine(I've heard that although cocaine itself doesn't make you dependent, it had negative symptoms that can only be mitigated by taking other more severe drugs).

Coke is very bad, grabs people hard, why do you think some people were willing to spend half a weeks paycheck or more for a Friday night of partying ? For what amounted to a fistfull of 20 minute superman highs
and yes refer is a psychological addiction, gotta have it, There just isnt any withdrawal. Its creates a state some people like to be in, still kicking it is nothing like quiting smoking or other hard drugs, its just annoying to HAVE to quit to appease employers and our government.
Dirt biking is a psychological addiction for me that can result in my impairment or death - should it be banned for my own good?
no it should be banned as a waste of precious energy resource and environmental damage... lol

At one time there was a difference between cowboys and those that sat in the opium houses all day.......

This topic got more amusing to me last week when there was a program on about the origions of drugs and their abuse around the turn of the previous century. It quickly became clear why our US government reacted.
A yep, the energy and resources should be saved for *insert something someone else values here*, you're right.

What is it about the cowboys that is deserving of more freedom from regulation than those in the opium houses then?
"To the willing there is no injury", the sooner the state recalls* this bit of Roman law, the sooner we shall be free of the worst of its nonsense.

(*i.e. recall from memory)
Yeah, the Romans, theres a great role model, which they themselves were loaded with hypocricy.

I agree with Blowtus first point without the perversion, I would limit all use of energy for work and shipping transport only, with severe penalties for inefficent new autos, this would also ground many airlines as traveling all around the country for "meetings" would be a thing of the past.

The cowboys earned their keep and the losers were in the opium houses, one was a matter of function and the other a matter of dysfunction. Smart societies weed out the problems, we were still a smart society around the turn of the last century.
Yeah, the Romans, theres a great role model, which they themselves were loaded with hypocricy.

I agree with Blowtus first point without the perversion, I would limit all use of energy for work and shipping transport only, with severe penalties for inefficent new autos, this would also ground many airlines as traveling all around the country for "meetings" would be a thing of the past.

The cowboys earned their keep and the losers were in the opium houses, one was a matter of function and the other a matter of dysfunction. Smart societies weed out the problems, we were still a smart society around the turn of the last century.

You just prompted me to start a thread about a thing in my personal philosophy that I believe should be enacted, it's called, genocide. Since we've evolved past "natural selection," I think we should take care of this problem ourselves.