Would like to re-download Black&Gold Drums and Detuned Toms (MBP Crash!)


Jan 3, 2011
Hey I bought the Black & Gold (Drums only) and the Detuned series Toms on October 3rd, 2010 (email address s a m t h 3 m a n c g p @ a o l . c o m). I recently had a disastrous crash with my MBP where I lost EVERYTHING. Some things I had backed up, some things I didn't.. these samples were one of the things not backed up. :ill:

I never thought it would happen to me but it did.. everybody needs to have at least 1 backup of their entire computer! You don't wanna learn the hard way! I'm just happy I wasn't in the middle of a big project and ended up losing a band's work. I got Carbonite online backup for both my laptop and my windows desktop and have nothing but good things to say about it. Helps me sleep better at night.

Anyway, is there a chance that I could re-download these samples? :Smokin: