Would You Rather?

How about we tie him down, slit him from belly to chin, rip out his intestines six inches at a time (laying them across his chest to mark progress), and giving him food and drink to see how much he can live without while playing AYDY through a $20 Radio Shack CD player?

thread = /b/

lolz was that random? Because I really covered AYDY but not on a CD player

Would you rather watch this video or die?
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Would you rather watch this video or die?
I'd rather watch you die.

Would you rather be called buttercup, or make Jim swallow?
damnit. uhh... bass. mmm fish

would you rather be without a job (and say you were fired and your former manager would probably give anyone calling for a reference a very bad report about you) or without a sexual partner?
public lice are easier to get rid of medically, so those.

If Hillary wins the primary (naw) and picks Obama as her running mate, do I become alcoholic or light my ballot on fire?
Move to Canada. I'll have a room opening up soon.

Would you rather maim people who walk slower than you, yet you're following them, or would you rather maim people who can't drive?
I can handle a leisurely stroll if the person isn't TOO slow.

A house in Pennsylvania explodes. Do you makes jokes about it, or pretend you actually care?