
Ah, well if you're going purely off of the AH, then yeah. I'd still hold out for Outlands. You'll get a better weapon within the first level. I'll try to find the crossbow I got from the third quest or so. It was a pretty nice upgrade from the Carapace Spine Crossbow I had.

I still think I'm gonna earn up the honor to get the High Warlord's Bow, regardless of how good it actually is, just for the look alone. It's seriously one of the most tricked-out weapons I've ever seen.

Ah, well if you're going purely off of the AH, then yeah. I'd still hold out for Outlands. You'll get a better weapon within the first level. I'll try to find the crossbow I got from the third quest or so. It was a pretty nice upgrade from the Carapace Spine Crossbow I had.

I still think I'm gonna earn up the honor to get the High Warlord's Bow, regardless of how good it actually is, just for the look alone. It's seriously one of the most tricked-out weapons I've ever seen.


hM, SO THEY ARE PRACTICALLY GIVING AWAY the gear CAPS!!!! When before you could get something really cool only by chance or saving up gold for it, now every last monkey is going have "Teh Ge3r" only through grinding for Honor? Pffff... is this all becoming that otehr game where you had to constantly fight other people? I forgot what it's called, it had that expansion - Nightfall or something, highly succesfull and stuff.

I'm also not too happy about all the Outland business - XP and good drops fall from the sky, almost literally. I already got a GREEN crossbow which is faster and deals more DPS than my beloved Gryphonwing Bow (which I had for months, literally!) After 2nd or 3rd quest.

I need a Full Rejuventaion Potion recipe somewhere - I have enough mats for 5-6 of them. Yum.
From what I've seen, there's a definite jump in equipment power as one enters the Outlands. After that point, though, the progression evens out again, so that from level to level, the equipment goes up as it would have pre-TBC. The main reason I don't have too much of a problem with the gear jump is that if it had not existed, there would have been a great, great gulf between the 60's who had raided and those who hadn't. It was basically an attempt to level the field. Of course, if you were on the bleeding edge of content when TBC came out, your gear won't get replaced for a while - most of it probably not until 70 - but otherwise you'd find yourself sorely outmatched.

Ordinarily I wouldn't say there was really a need for leveling the playing field (though my gear was great, I never raided, so I didn't even have a complete set of anything), except that there is a definite, definite increase in the amount of World PvP I've been seeing, both in the PvP areas of each zone, and just in highly trafficked quest areas. If the disparity was too high, people would have no chance to fight back if they were being griefed.

And I'm still wearing the boots, shoulders, and helm I entered Outlands with.

I'm definitely going to at least shoot for the Beast Lord set, or the Demon Stalker armor. Both look really cool, and I'm starting to really like the socketing.


I saw it yesterday, but it didn't work for me... lemme see..

Ha. Ha. Ha.

You pumped Stamina, I see, and majority of equipment you are using is from expansion - here go the power and critical and hit ratings... oh, just lemme get to my PC this weekend :heh:

Edit: Boy, my stats are WAYYY better (except Stamina). All I need now is new gear for my ratings, and you are done :D

Yeah, it just started working for me about an hour after I posted the link :p

And stam is pretty standard on outlands gear. I haven't pumped up my stats, mostly in favor of Attack Power. The Stam helps me live long enough for a couple of heals from the Empress, and the attack power makes sure I dps you down quickly. My crit % used to be at about 20%, but you lose some as you level, unfortunately. In a fight, my main goal is to dps you down before you get into my deadzone. If that happens, I'm pretty well screwed.

To see her gear/spec, use the link for mine, but switch the 'emperor' at the end to 'empress'. I'd do the link myself, but I'm lazy and work blocked the site again.

EDIT: And I'd expect your base stats to be better - you're survival after all, you need the dodge and parry chances.

And plus, trolls are the best hunters. Hell, the Dire Maul book says as much, doesn't it? "The Greatest Race of Hunters: A story of a troll..."

Well, Nelfs got betetr Dodge - just look at that and my Parry! And with that ability which increases dodge and parry by 20% or so, and Counterattack - boy, you will be glued in one place in now time! Plus look at my trinket - absorbs all the damage, and it happens quite frequently. I have a spare which absorbs like 600, but this one is better ;)
I'll have to check out your trinkets when I get home, but I punch through most shields like butter.

And 600 damage absorbed (the pvp trinket, no?) would probably take out half of my arcane shot's damage :D

I do have to switch back to a heavier crossbow, though. The bow I have is a little too fast for the crits I used to produce. I should have a good one after a few instance runs this weekend.

I'll be working on my ratings as well - will be doing some questing for now (I'm a total solo), occasional instance, may be, with guildies. The drop rate of greens is much better in the Outlands, though - I already got like 3 or 4 selling to the vendor for 2-5g + a bunch of higher level gray ones.

And eyah, money is so easy in the outland - 7-10 orcs get you about 1g only in cash.
Yeah, sold a book for 150g on the AH yesterday. It was for the last rank of Conjure Food for mages. Not too shabby.

I don't so much solo as 'pair'. I don't play my main unless she's playing too, and normally we just do quests. We do the occasional instance, but where I could run it 20 times to get one drop, she'll run it a couple of times just for the quests and xp, and then get bored and refuse to go back. Once I hit 70, of course, I'll probably start joining instance runs in our guild just to gear up, but for some reason her skill level is uncanny, regardless of her gear, so she'll probably still do fine.

It's funny, too. People see us and try to gank us all the time. Not sure why. But we'll smoke level 70s who don't know how to fight us. She can heal through any damage someone deals (unless stunlocked, of course), so fighting her specifically just gives me the range I need, and as long as they're fighting me, I'll wear them down in melee while she keeps me fully healed.


Morning shock from mySpace:


Fucking cunts... I'm a Nelf hunter, closing on 70. Hm, should I get a degreee next?
Hahahahahahaha. :lol: Second best ad ever :p

First of course was the Dungeons and Dragons ad - "If you're going to sit up all night and pretend you're an elf - at least do it with some friends."

Poor night elves. I guess the education system in Darnassus is lacking a bit?

I'll check the link out when I get to an un-filtered computer. How are you guys finding Kara so far? Still pretty tough?

Alas, probably not much playing this weekend. Might level to 64 (about 1 bubble away, sigh), but that's probably it. Mayhaps I might do some more honor grinding for random stuff at level 70 (trinkets and the like), but for now I think I've hit an impasse.

We ran Kara 4 days in a row (on a 7 day reset timer) and spent about 4 hours each time, for a total of 16 hrs. Currently we are on the shade of aran (6th boss) and have just completed the chess event (really fun!) The instance itself is quite hard, our 10 man group has pretty good gear and its still quite a challenge. Its great to finally be up to date with content that it proves to be this challening and being the first people to explore it (i didnt do zg/aq20 till they were almost a year old) Good luck leveling guys, its def worth it!
Tonight the temptation became too strong, so I've given in and created a guest account. :cry: Any major do's and do not's? I'm downloading now, and I'm thinking about what kind of character I'm giong to create. Leaning towards an undead mage right now. :u-huh:
Do's: Join the Horde.

Don't: Join the Alliance.

I think as long as you follow that you're pretty good. :D

Seeing as you're a guest you'll only make it to 20, but I'd start on professions early. Have at least one gathering profession that you can sell the results of on the auction house if you get strapped for cash. (AKA, herbalism, skinning, or mining). Other than that, just ask questions if you have any problems.
