That's one thing I've noticed in the BElf starting area - with such an influx of new characters all at the same time, finding any of the mobs for kill or collect quests are a pain in the ass.
I'm leaving my hunter alone for now - gonna store up some rest xp, then hit outlands with my bro. (Seems like Shelly will be sticking with her new mage...) I'm just using him for auctioning right now, which is making some decent money, but I wish it would go quicker. I had heard about the awesome rewards out in outlands, and I'm gonna probably screw the old world for the new until I hit 70, then maybe go back and grab some gear for the novelty aspect. That and I doubt I'll be in a good raiding guild at the end, so the Tiers 5+ will probably be out of my reach. Quick q to those in Outlands: Cash easier to obtain? I'm debating just going out and trying to get the rest of my cash there rather than sticking around in Kalimdor/Azeroth.
I'm actually rather impressed with the Blood Elf starting areas. Beautiful design, (though the city itself is a fucking maze) and the quests (while the objectives are the same as any other quest) have some interesting stories behind them. The really tie in the Blood Elves well to the Horde. I'm also intrigued by the visual choices on the Blood Elves themselves. I.E., they do actually have a hair color other than blonde. My only gripe is that for the males, in the words of my brother, there are approximately two hairstyles that aren't "flagrantly homosexual" (not so much that, as we're pretty sure that two are directly ported over from the NElf females... and the rest aren't much better), and unfortunately those two lend themselves very well to the endless variations I've seen so far on names like 'XSuPerSaIyEnX".
Anywho, lvl 13. More updates on the areas as I hit them.