
Well, I started my blue dude mage now (a mage, yet again, yay, gonna get gimped again, wee) and got him to lvl5. Been running around on my rogue doing various starting quests and gotten green gear that is better than my blues. Read a few quest rewards that are in the start too and was blown away by the fact that they are better than most purples. Welcome to World Of Burning Crusade, forget that there ever was World Of Warcraft.
Well, I started my blue dude mage now (a mage, yet again, yay, gonna get gimped again, wee) and got him to lvl5. Been running around on my rogue doing various starting quests and gotten green gear that is better than my blues. Read a few quest rewards that are in the start too and was blown away by the fact that they are better than most purples. Welcome to World Of Burning Crusade, forget that there ever was World Of Warcraft.

So i might just as well get to 60lvl with my Hunter and buy the expansion since getting item sets and epics would be pointless? What do you think?
So i might just as well get to 60lvl with my Hunter and buy the expansion since getting item sets and epics would be pointless? What do you think?

Most definetly yep, as long as you have fairly decent greens you should be ok.
The first 2 very easy quests have nice rewards and there is some very easy to get quests with blue items. And the greens in Outland are comperable to good blues pre-BC, the blues are comperable to good purples pre-BC.

Bladefist's Breadth
Combines Earthstrike (purple from CC rep grind) and Blackhand's Breadth (blue reward for killing Rend). And this is a very easy quest from what I've heard, you can get it the first day of BC.

Another one is Perfectly Balanced Cape, also a quest reward and fairly easy from what I hear.

So yeah, there is no WoW anymore, only BC.
Also the drop rate for greens seems to be higher in Outland, I got like 3-4 very nice greens (plate tho) during my 2 hour or so grind for some quests. Only thing right now is the amount of people doing the quests, they tend to take longer than when you were alone there.
That's one thing I've noticed in the BElf starting area - with such an influx of new characters all at the same time, finding any of the mobs for kill or collect quests are a pain in the ass.

I'm leaving my hunter alone for now - gonna store up some rest xp, then hit outlands with my bro. (Seems like Shelly will be sticking with her new mage...) I'm just using him for auctioning right now, which is making some decent money, but I wish it would go quicker. I had heard about the awesome rewards out in outlands, and I'm gonna probably screw the old world for the new until I hit 70, then maybe go back and grab some gear for the novelty aspect. That and I doubt I'll be in a good raiding guild at the end, so the Tiers 5+ will probably be out of my reach. Quick q to those in Outlands: Cash easier to obtain? I'm debating just going out and trying to get the rest of my cash there rather than sticking around in Kalimdor/Azeroth.

I'm actually rather impressed with the Blood Elf starting areas. Beautiful design, (though the city itself is a fucking maze) and the quests (while the objectives are the same as any other quest) have some interesting stories behind them. The really tie in the Blood Elves well to the Horde. I'm also intrigued by the visual choices on the Blood Elves themselves. I.E., they do actually have a hair color other than blonde. My only gripe is that for the males, in the words of my brother, there are approximately two hairstyles that aren't "flagrantly homosexual" (not so much that, as we're pretty sure that two are directly ported over from the NElf females... and the rest aren't much better), and unfortunately those two lend themselves very well to the endless variations I've seen so far on names like 'XSuPerSaIyEnX".

Anywho, lvl 13. More updates on the areas as I hit them.

Lvl 20. Bro is at 15. The new starting areas are beautiful, and it's a shame to leave them. It's a bit fun, and nostalgic, to be back in Tarren Mill, but it's also a bit sad not having anything new between here and 60.

May play a bit on my hunter (haven't except to auction stuff) but so far it looks like we're sticking with the new characters.

Only reason I mention my bro above is because we had a hell of a fun time in WSG the other day. Alliance have no idea how to react to a paladin bubble. And there's a lot more BElfs than Dranei, as far as I've seen. We went in a match yesterday that had 1 tauren, 1 orc, 1 troll, 1 undead, and 6 blood elves. We won without too much trouble, too.

2.4 million units sold in the first day, I still haven't got mine, and prolly won't till after dt tour.
Yeah, there's a noticable lack of people in towns like Orgrimmar and the like. However, it makes questing at certain levels near-impossible, as all the alliance who didn't get the expansion like to hang around and gank leveling BElfs. Oh well. We're making do.

Shelly: lvl 27, Me: lvl 25, Bro: lvl 18 (probably 21 by end of weekend).

I rerolled as undead mage/enchanter/tailor on Destromath this weekend (level 15.5 as of today), playing about 40-60 minutes a day.

No fun playing for Horde, none at all.

What pisses me off is her voice when she says - all pissed off - that she is "out of range", like fuckin' PMSing or something.

I almost resisted picking up collectors edition yesterday, but the main factor was that the store didn't have them (even though web-site was sying so). As soon as I'm in BC I'm going for Dranei paladin/shaman on Spinebreaker, so I'll be able to support her with my hunter - I have around 100g lying around.

I just don't like Horde. At all.

Alright, fine. To each their own. Wait...

Isn't Spinebreaker in the same Battlegroup as Destromath? I'd check, but they blocked the WoW site here. :(


Makes me wonder :)

I tend more to be PvE now, and one of teh reasons - I get very low FPS in battlegrounds and during otehr intense battles.

I going for a new rig by the end of teh year, if everything goes fine =) 4 GBs of Ram, Quad-Sli, all that jazz...
Yeah, that's one good thing about WoW. Unless you're raiding or in the battlegrounds, you don't need a good comp at all to play.

But yeah, I have a feeling we're in the same grouping - once you get that new rig, we'll have to test that out :p.

The Blood Elf storyline was great - I finished it up for my character, and got to see all the cool paladin-specific stuff through my brother's character. Very well thought out. Now I just need to go through the stuff in the Outlands. I've heard the referential humor out there is great. Still waiting to see "Precious and Fragile Things Need Special Handling" pop up in my quest log, though :)

I've heard the Dranei stuff is pretty cool as well, but I'm just so irritated by the alliance side all the time.

Anyway, if you are playing your undead at all, I'm usually on at least a little every day, except on weekends. Evilemperor is my hunter, Absolutenemy is my 'lock.

So, we can fight in the battlegrounds now? :D

I think my char's name is Ghomorrah or something :)

Yeah, I gona level her a little just to kill time, but I see no development playing for Horde.

I just don't like it... not cuz I like all thing good and stuff, but it's just not appealing to me (I guess game designers did a really good job, since I despise Horde... while playing for Alliance =)
Yeah, I've noticed that people that play one faction exclusively for a while tend to relate to that faction in the future much more. Like, the longer I play horde, the less I want to play alliance.

Yeah, I've noticed that people that play one faction exclusively for a while tend to relate to that faction in the future much more. Like, the longer I play horde, the less I want to play alliance.


True, and I don't even know the reason... well, except financial, since it's easier to support other starting chars.

I thought a Blood Elf would be fun to play, but not sure if I'm ever going that route.
So, I rerolled as a Human warlock (a girl!! pure sex, yum, I mean - REALLY attractive... with a pierced nose, but I still like her) on Spinebreaker.

Having a rich "daddy" on the same server (my 57 Hunter) = ace, I can afford ANYTHING and pump through my skills (I'm tailor/enchanter again) in no time (still depend on Auction House though =) Level 12 through last night, and it's been FUN!

Once and for all - not going to play Horde. Not for me. Despise and repulsed by it.

One thought: I bet you Stanne plays Horde somewhere... I need to find him and kill his CHARACTER, muahahahahaharrrr :heh:
Ogrimmar shall BURN!!!!!!1!

I would be bored to death playing for Horde (even with an undead mage!) They are dull and ugly (even Blood Elves, in their own way; kudos to game designers once again).

For the Alliance! bitches!!

Seen at least one lvl70 running around.
Hahahaha. Ok, to explain why I found that first line so funny, my brother and I had been trying to map out how to transpose the second trailer for the 300 into the WoW universe, simply because it would be funny as hell. It did in fact have the line "Ogrimmar will burn to the ground!" in it. And of course, one would have to have Cairn punting the gnome ambassador afterwards.

I know we have quite a few 70s on Destro - I've seen them flying around.

And please. It was always "For the Horde!" first. You guys just tried to steal our catchphrase.

As Alliance speaks Common, correct and first one is "For the Alliance!"

Keep in mind, orcs are not as nearly civilized as humans, so it would be more like "Me the Horde, ya kill, me stomp ya, Horde is Sttrrrrong!!!!" See? Tauren and orcs look just DUMB (especially women), I keep wondering how can they be mages and stuff? Well, Shamans are quite understandable, but MAGE?? Or have I seen orc warlocks?

Anyway - EXCUSE ME.

Horde is dumb fucking stupid and must die (showcase of the Alliance intelligence right here). The only sign of intelligence can be found among Undead and, surely, Blood Elves, but the rest of the pack.... um, that's a no-no.

So - for the Alliance all the way. "For the Horde!" just soudns cool, but it's too cliché: this time around being bad isn't cool. But they sure enough live up to their roles in the universe.