
Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
If anyone is bored, try this experiment..........

Listen to Emperor-The Eruptions ( off of Prometheus) and then listen to Mayhem-track7 on GDOW. On MP3 is best, so they run almost directly together, with no pause for changing CD's. Damn, they could easily run together as one song!!!!! I have no Idea what made me think that, but there you have it!
Hmmmmm You always come up with so strange ideas ;)
When I'll get Prometheus,I'll try it

Wasn't it you who wrote about Katatonia an Ulver????

hmmmm I can't really see any connection between Ulver's and Katatonia's music......
and hmmmmm search on the net for the "Silence teaches you how to sing EP"...but be fast cause as it stands on the Cd it's "Absence & Presence for the connoiseuer only.Lim ed. to 2000"...... No comments
Getting Ulver's "Silence..." would be a bad idea :)
I had it earlier, but ended up trading it away. If you want something similar in approach, try one of John Zorn's 80s "story"-pieces, like Spillane. Same sort of movielike approach, but done well! Ulver's just sounds like they were bored in the studio one night and threw together that whole thing pretty quickly, with very little thought put into anything.

But then again, some people seem to enjoy that piece of hoopla, so what the hell, haha. I feel sorry for those poor guys who pay 50 bucks etc on EBay for it tho, someone did that just a few days after it got released. I wonder how mayn copies it -really- was released in, as everyone seems to have it, as does every store. Pah.

np: Destruction - The Antichrist
Originally posted by Øystein H-O
Ulver's just sounds like they were bored in the studio one night and threw together that whole thing pretty quickly, with very little thought put into anything.

But then again, some people seem to enjoy that piece of hoopla, so what the hell, haha. I feel sorry for those poor guys who pay 50 bucks etc on EBay for it tho, someone did that just a few days after it got released. I wonder how mayn copies it -really- was released in, as everyone seems to have it, as does every store. Pah.

Well it's a matter of taste ;) I can't say it's a masterpiece or sth,but still I like Ulver so muuuch maybe I am not judging soooo objectively in their case....:grin: but still I like this Ep,though i had to admit it's not actually music,it's just sounds etc...... It's not for just every person,it's only for masochists :p or for die-hard fans like me :cool:
50 bucks???????????? that's totally crazy....
I have not seen this CD in the stores down here,yet some great friend of mine send it to me :D and hopefully its price was completely normal.....

Everything is a matter of taste ......:cool:
Originally posted by Øystein H-O

But then again, some people seem to enjoy that piece of hoopla, so what the hell, haha. I feel sorry for those poor guys who pay 50 bucks etc on EBay for it tho, someone did that just a few days after it got released. I wonder how mayn copies it -really- was released in, as everyone seems to have it, as does every store. Pah.

I was wondering that a record shop near me has 2 copies of it, which given how little stock they usally have is quite supprising (they didn't have the new darkthrone or anaal nathrakh cds for example...or much else for that matter)...yet some how managed to get 0.1% of the worlds supply of Ulver's new cd...i think someone at ulvers record label has been inventive with the truth...
There were 4 at HMV today..... 11 dollars each. I was gonna pick them all up and auction them on Ebay, but then I'd be depriving the Toronto Ulver fans.......So I didn't.....
And yes Melancholia, it was me who wrote about Ulver and Katatonia, I get weird ideas musically!!! I think too far into it sometimes......But it seems right to me! haha....